Chapter 1612

Chapter 1628

Chu Palace
Chu Tianqi finally raised his head from Chengdui's memorial. He stretched greatly, stood up from the chair, and rubbed his stiff lower back with his backhand.

Since he regained control of the government, the affairs of the court and China have been very complicated. He has hardly had a good night's sleep, and staying up late to critique papers has become commonplace.

The eunuch served warm tea, and said to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, the Inner Supervisor came to ask for an audience yesterday, and you may have guessed that he came again this morning, saying that he has something very important to report to you."

Chu Tianqi sighed, took the warm tea from the eunuch's hand: "I really don't have a moment to spare, let him come in."

He took a sip of warm tea to moisten his throat, then put it on the table, and stood by the table to move his stiff muscles and bones.

"My humble servants see the emperor!" Master Huang knelt down and saluted.

Chu Tianqi waved his hands: "There is no need to be too polite, just be flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lord Huang stood up, looked up at the tired-looking Emperor, knowing that he had spent another night approving papers, "Your Majesty, state affairs are important, but your dragon body is also important, so don't be too tired and exhausted It’s good to have a dragon body.”

Chu Tianqi looked at him sideways, and raised his brows slightly: "You came here twice to ask for an interview, just to say this?"

Master Huang hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I have something important to report."

"Let's talk!" Chu Tianqi turned around and sat back in the chair, leaning his back on the hard and straight back of the chair, the sore back felt much more comfortable.

Huang Daren said: "Your Majesty, Princess Changle entered the palace yesterday and brought a prisoner with him. He said he was a spy from Dongyue Kingdom captured in Longxi Camp."

Chu Tian stood up with a chorus, and quickly rushed to Master Huang, "What did you just say? Who brought spies into the palace?"

"Returning to the emperor, it is the princess of Changle, the princess of Changle who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace."

Chu Tianqi burst into ecstasy: "Her, how does she look?"

Mr. Huang didn't know about Zheng Nianwen's coma before, and the emperor asked him this question, which made him feel very puzzled.

"Back to the emperor, the Princess looks fine, and there is nothing unusual about her. She is accompanied by Mr. Yun."

Chu Tianqi asked urgently: "Then where is she now? But she is still in the palace? Why didn't you report earlier?"

Master Huang is also very wronged, he came here twice yesterday, but the emperor has been busy and refused to see him, he must not barge in.

"Your majesty, the princess watched the humble minister send people into the dungeon, and left after leaving a letter."

Master Huang presented the letter in his hand.

Chu Tianqi didn't wait for the eunuch to check it first, he stretched out his hand to take it, opened the letter, the handwriting was indeed Wen'er's handwriting, she's healed, she's really healed, thank God.

The letter stated that the person she brought was a military adviser from the East Vietnam Kingdom, named Jiangbei. Before the Shangguantuo incident broke out, he led hundreds of East Vietnam warriors to leave the country from the east. After losing his fortune, he diverted to Longxi, trying to sow discord in the camp and overthrow the military power. Fortunately, she discovered the clue when passing by, and with Yuntian's assistance, she caught all of them.

The remaining East Vietnamese prisoners will be escorted to Beijing by General Zhongli.

"Okay, okay! Wen'er not only recovered, but also made great contributions to the Chu Dynasty, that's great."

The exhaustion of days seemed to be swept away in an instant, and he asked again: "Didn't the princess and the side-by-side king come together?"

Huang Daren said: "I also asked the princess, and the princess said that she didn't know where the princess and the side-by-side king are now. Looking at the princess, she was even anxious. After putting the prisoner in the prison, she left in a hurry. "

(End of this chapter)

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