Chapter 1613

Chapter 1629

Hearing this news, Chu Tianqi couldn't sit still any longer, and simply said to Mr. Huang: "Go and make arrangements, I will leave the palace immediately."

Master Huang seemed to have realized something: "The emperor is going to visit the princess with the palace?"

Chu Tianqi nodded: "That's right, I'm going to go to the Prince's Palace, you can arrange a few people, it doesn't need to be too many, as long as you have good skills, you can go out of the palace in plain clothes."

Mr. Huang responded again and again, and quickly withdrew from the Palace of Imperial Harmony.

An hour later, Chu Tianqi left the palace in plain clothes, with only one eunuch and two guards following him.

The gorgeous carriage drove out of the palace, roaring towards the Prince's Mansion.

Chu Tianqi was anxious and kept urging the driver to speed up.

Being urged by the emperor like this, the coachman was also very anxious. The whip in his hand was getting faster and faster. The horse was galloping on the wide long street, and the corner was ahead. The coachman realized that the speed of the car was too fast, which was not conducive to turning. He wanted to slow down but it was too late.

What's more unfortunate is that there was also the sound of beating horses and the sound of carriage wheels rolling against the ground from the other side of the curve.

The coachman was pale, and desperately reined in the reins, trying to stop the carriage, but the horse had gone crazy and wouldn't listen to him at all.

At the intersection of that bend, the two carriages crossed, and the horse instinctively avoided colliding with the opponent's horse. Although they did not collide with each other, the carriage pulled behind them inevitably collided.

Under the violent impact, Chu Tianqi was stunned by the huge impact force, and was thrown backward from the broken compartment.

The two accompanying guards on horseback turned pale with fright, and stepped on their horses one after another to pick him up.

But all this happened too fast, with their distance, they couldn't reach the emperor at all.

At this moment, a white image flashed like a ghost, before they grabbed the emperor's arm with one hand and brought him to the ground, but he didn't treat the emperor gently, but threw the emperor directly on the ground .

Cough - it's better than falling from a height!

The eunuch who also suffered internal injuries climbed out of the carriage and saw the emperor lying on the ground. His legs went limp and he staggered to the emperor's side. Seeing that the emperor's chest was still heaving, he was relieved, he was still alive, he was still alive just fine.

"Thanks to the strong man for the rescue." The eunuch bowed his hands to the man in white.

The man glanced at Chu Tianqi who was on the ground, and said in a low voice, "He has suffered internal injuries and needs to be treated as soon as possible."

The eunuch said with a pale face: "The strong man must have a way to save him, and he will rescue the strong man."

The man glanced at the eunuch with indifferent eyebrows, and said coldly: "I do have a way to save him, but why should I save him?" He shrugged, he had already saved him once, why should he save him again? ?
The eunuch hurriedly said: "Strong man, my young master has a special body, as long as the strong man saves my young master, no matter what the strong man wants, my young master can satisfy you."

No matter what you want, you can be satisfied?

He wants the girl he likes to like him too, and he doesn't want the girl he likes to marry someone else. Apart from these, he doesn't want anything.

"You can't afford what I want." His voice was cold, and the helplessness and coldness in his eyes couldn't be changed.

"There is nothing in this world that my son can't afford, strong man, why don't you just tell me, no matter it is money, status, or beauty, as long as it is what you want, my son can give it to you, at least in the Chu Dynasty, there is nothing It doesn't belong to my son."

(End of this chapter)

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