Chapter 1615

Chapter 1631

Faced with such a strange request, Chu Tianqi was also drunk and didn't know how to refuse him.

The eunuch also regretted secretly, the young man in front of him looked abnormal, it was not good to ask for anything, asking for something that is difficult for others, isn't this just asking for boredom?
He smiled and said: "Strong man, my young master still has some important things to do, otherwise he wouldn't crash into a car just because he was on his way. Why don't you follow us to do things first, and when we're done, we'll follow you to see that girl. how?"

Yun Tian didn't expect to see what Nian Wen wanted to say, it would be good to have a little time to let him think about it, so he nodded and said: "Okay, it's up to you."

The carriage had been crashed, but luckily it was not far from the Prince's Mansion, so he simply walked.

Yun Tian didn't know how to read, but he couldn't recognize any of the four gleaming big characters of "Wang Mansion" next to him. He just thought it was the mansion of an ordinary wealthy family.

The door was opened wide, and the old man who watched the door recognized Chu Tianqi, and hurriedly knelt down to greet him.

Immediately, another servant ran into the inner courtyard and told Zheng Nianwen who had just returned home about the emperor's arrival.

"The emperor is here? He's alone?" Zheng Nianwen looked surprised. Uncle seldom goes out of the palace, why is he free to come to the palace today?
She brushed her hair, and led a group of servants in the courtyard to greet him.

She never kneels when she sees Chu Tianqi, and a blessing is considered a great gift, which is also Chu Tianqi's special favor to her.

"Uncle—why did you come to the palace suddenly?" She flew to him like a bird, just like every time we met before, but it was a little different. The kind of one-water Jiaohan in the past.

Yes, after experiencing these hardships, Wen'er has also grown up.

Yun Tian, ​​who was following the eunuch, was shocked, he watched in disbelief as Nian Wen rushed to the side of Young Master Chu, took his hand intimately, and called him uncle.

Could this Mr. Chu be the emperor's uncle she spoke of?
Is this the emperor of Chu?
No wonder the eunuch dared to promise like that.

Yun Tian's aura is too special, different from anyone else in the world, if he doesn't intentionally hold his breath, he will be easily spotted by familiar people.

Sensing Yuntian's aura, Nianwen glanced across the crowd, and finally landed on Yuntian.

She exclaimed in surprise: "Yuntian? You are back." She ran to Yuntian and asked with a smile, "Who brought you here?"

Chu Tianqi faintly felt that things seemed to be getting worse. He coughed dryly: "I brought him here. On the way here, our carriage collided with someone and suffered internal injuries. It was Yuntian who saved me."

Nianwen looked slightly startled, and quickly returned to Chu Tianqi, stretched out his hand to grasp the pulse on his wrist, examined and listened carefully, and confirmed that he was fine, then smiled and said: "Uncle, your luck is really not good Gai, Yuntian doesn't know anything else, he can be regarded as a top-notch expert in wound healing."

Chu Tianqi laughed dryly, looked sideways at Yun Tian with a cold face, his forehead began to sweat.

"Go in and talk, I still have something to ask you." Chu Tianqi said.

Nian Wen nodded, hurriedly dragged Chu Tianqi into the room, and called Yun Tian to come in too.

As soon as the three of them sat down, before Chu Tianqi could speak, Yun Tian said first: "The so-called fate is probably like this, isn't it?"

Read the text for a moment: "What? What are you talking about?"

Yun Tian looked at her with sharp eyes: "I said, our fate seems to be destined by heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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