Chapter 1616

Chapter 1632

He originally wanted to calm down by himself for a few days and think things over clearly, but he didn't expect that within half a day, he returned to her by accident.

It was as if there was a hand pulling him, pushing him, step by step to get here.

If this is not fate, then what is fate?
Nian Wen smiled dryly: "Of course we are destined, otherwise, in the vast sea of ​​people in the world, why did you and I meet in the Zhou Dynasty and become friends?"

She bit the word "friend" very hard, intending to remind him, not to lose his composure, not to say inappropriate words.

But Yuntian didn't seem to hear her reminder at all, he still said what he wanted to say in his heart: "Wen'er, from the first time I saw you, I liked you, but at that time, I didn't know what I like it, and I don’t know what kind of emotion it is to like a girl.”

"After you left, I only thought about one thing day and night, to find you, to find you no matter what, even if I turned the world upside down."

"Fortunately, I didn't spend too much time finding you, and you came back to me, but at that time, I still didn't understand why I wanted to find you so urgently, and I never seriously thought about it. Pass."

"Until today, I finally understand my heart, Wen'er, we are destined to be together, we—"

He was confused when he read the text, and couldn't hold back, so he finally interrupted him: "Yuntian, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all? We didn't seem to have seen it before the Liuli City in the Zhou Dynasty, right?" ?”

Yun Tian doesn't want to explain this now, the longer he stays in the human world, the more he understands that his identity cannot be exposed lightly.

Although he looks like a human being now, he is actually not. Every time the moon is full, he will show his original shape until the full moon wanes.

If he announces his identity, then in the eyes of the world, he may be just a monster, how can a monster be with a real human being.

Therefore, he decided to keep his identity and never let Nianwen or anyone else know.

"Maybe you don't remember, but I remember very clearly, Wen'er, this is our predestined fate, you shouldn't and you can't refuse." Yun Tian said seriously.

Nianwen frowned, "Yuntian, are you trying to force me by saying this to me now?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "I don't want to force you, I just want you to understand my intentions."

"As for my intention, I think I've made it very clear." Nian Wen looked back at him with serious and complicated eyes.

Yun Tian said: "That was just your previous intention, from now on, your intention should change."

"Yun Tian, ​​you are clearly persecuting me."

Yun Tian remained silent, turned his head to look at Chu Tianqi, and said loudly: "Since you are the emperor, you should promise me what you promised me, and it should come true."

Chu Tianqi looked embarrassed, and quickly picked up the tea to drink, pretending he didn't hear it.

Yun Tian stood up from his seat, his eyes were burning: "Are you trying to renege on your debt?"

The eunuch next to Chu Tianqi regretted that his intestines were about to break. If he knew that the girl this guy was obsessed with was Princess Changle, he wouldn't dare to promise this guy if he was killed.

Pointing at Yun Tian, ​​the eunuch said: "You, you, you, you are presumptuous, how dare you speak to the emperor like this, back down quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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