Chapter 162 Cool down
In the middle of the night, Sangui dozed off, and when he woke up, he saw Shizi standing outside in the cold wind wearing only his middle coat, so he hurriedly took the padded robe that was casually hung on the back of the chair and rushed out.

Sangui put on his clothes, and he stretched out his hand to push them away: "No need!" He strode back to the room, quickly climbed into Qi Rongyue's bed, hugged Qi Rongyue's hot body with his cold body, and used his temperature, to cool her down.

After his body warmed up, he got out of bed again and stood in the cold wind again.

Sangui cried: "Master, you can't spoil yourself like this, you will get sick like this, if you also get sick, then—then—"

Zheng Zhongwen looked back at him, and said word by word: "When she wakes up tomorrow, don't talk about this matter. She is still a girl who has not left the cabinet. Don't ruin her reputation."

Sangui wiped his eyes: "My lord, you have done so much for her and you didn't tell her, so what are you trying to do?"

What is he drawing?
Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I don't plan for anything, as long as she lives, as long as she gets better!" He turned around, returned to the bed, and hugged the hot and delicate body.

After repeating this more than ten times, the hot delicate body finally began to cool down. His originally strong body also began to become weak. His throat, which had never been coughed by the cold, started coughing. He was afraid of waking up the sleeping Qi. Rong Yue went to rest in the small room next door that had just been cleaned up, and asked Sangui to take care of Qi Rongyue.

In the early morning, the warm winter sun is rising, the cold wind has died down, and the hardworking small village is alive again.

Outside the gate of Mrs. Liu's house, there were people passing by constantly. From time to time, some people stretched their necks to look inside, wanting to see what the nobleman that Mrs. Liu brought home yesterday looked like. Wouldn't it be nice for people to kidnap people and live in their own homes and earn a few taels of silver?

Sangui fell asleep beside the bed. After tossing and tossing all night, he couldn't open his sleepy eyes. Seeing that Ms. Qi hadn't woken up yet and the high fever subsided, he simply lay down by the bed to rest. Once closed, it can no longer be opened, as if stuck.

Thick eyelashes fluttered like a feather fan, and then slowly opened a slit, she saw a strange roof, not in Rongyu Hall, not in any place she had seen or was familiar with.

She turned her head and looked at a pitch-black head. She didn't know who it was. She opened her mouth, her throat was hoarse, and she couldn't even hear the sound she made.

She opened her mouth and yelled twice, but the man remained motionless, sleeping soundly, she was very thirsty, struggled to get up, reached for the tea bowl on the low table by the bed, before her hand touched the tea bowl, the closed door She was pushed away, and a woman came in from the outside. Seeing Qi Rongyue woke up, she looked happy, and hurriedly said: "Miss, you are so lucky! Do you want some water? I'll help you!" "

Auntie Liu quickly stepped forward, picked up the tea bowl on the low table, turned around and poured out half of the cold tea, took the steaming iron pot from the small stove and added hot water, and then returned to Qi Rongyue He helped Qi Rongyue up by the bedside with one hand, and brought the tea bowl to her lips with the other.

After Qi Rongyue drank half a bowl of hot tea, her throat felt much better, and she thanked the woman, "Thank you!"

Mrs. Liu helped her to lie down, and said with a smile, "Thank you for what I did. Your brother didn't sleep all night because of you, and now he is also suffering from the cold. Doctor Ma is showing him next door."

(End of this chapter)

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