Chapter 163 Wake Up
"My brother? Next door?" Qi Rongyue was a little confused, where did her brother come from?
Mrs. Liu laughed and said, "Girl, you are so sick and confused, isn't Mr. Zheng your elder brother?"

Mr. Zheng?She looked down at the boy lying beside the bed, that side face was very familiar, whoever it was.

It turned out to be Zheng Zhongwen, how could he be here?How could she be here?
She didn't say any more, she just smiled at Aunt Liu and said, "How is my brother doing now? Can you help me to have a look?"

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said, "No, no, I'll call him. He just asked me to come over to see if you're awake."

After speaking, Aunt Liu hurried out of the room and went to the next door.

After a while, the sound of chaotic footsteps came in a hurry. She looked up at the half-open door, and a familiar face suddenly came into her eyes. He seemed to be very anxious, and there was a little panic in his eyes. Panic, would someone like Zheng Zhongwen also panic?

Is it because of her?
Seeing her staring at him with beautiful eyes, his heaving chest finally began to calm down, she woke up, it was good, she finally woke up.

He stood up straight, walked towards her step by step, and asked softly, "You're awake, how do you feel now?"

She shook her head: "It feels terrible!"

His brows that had been stretched just now frowned again: "Is it hard? You wait, I'll call Doctor Ma!"

She smiled and said, "Aren't I a doctor?"

He also smiled: "Yes, you are the doctor, the best doctor."

He suddenly started coughing, and his lips looked very dehydrated, chapped and peeled.

She supported the edge of the bed with one hand and sat up, beckoning to him: "Come here."

"Oh!" He approached obediently, stretched out his hand habitually, and pressed her forehead, which was warm but not hot. He smiled and said, "It's really good!" After doing this action and saying this sentence , he realized that Qi Rongyue was staring at him with wide eyes, he quickly withdrew his hand, and said with a dry smile: "I just—"

She interrupted him: "I know, thank you!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent, some words, needless to say, can be understood naturally.

Dr. Ma came in carrying the medicine box, saw Qi Rongyue sitting on the bed, talking with Mr. Zheng with a faint smile on his face, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, the girl's pulse was extremely weak yesterday, The fever persisted for a long time, and the fever was something he had never seen before in his many years of practice. He was not sure at all, so he didn't prescribe the medicine he needed to take last night. He insisted on waiting for her to wake up today before delivering the medicine. She was afraid that she would be responsible if she didn't cure it, but fortunately, she survived by herself.

"Mr. Zheng, let me give way, and I'll connect Miss Zheng!" Doctor Ma said standing behind Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen stepped aside and kicked Sangui, kicking Sangui to the ground, freeing up the stool in front of the bed. He didn't even look at Sangui who was squinting and rubbing his buttocks, and said to Doctor Ma: "Please, Doctor Ma!"

Doctor Ma pulled the stool forward, sat beside Qi Rongyue, clasped Qi Rongyue's wrist stretched out from the quilt, and listened carefully.

After a while, Dr. Ma let go of his hand, and said with a smile: "Young lady is really a lucky person. She survived the test last night, and now her body is mostly healed. You just need to take some medicine to disperse the cold, so that you can live well." Rest for half a month, and you will recover."

Qi Rongyue withdrew her hand and nodded to Doctor Ma: "Thank you!" When she woke up, she gave herself a pulse. Although the situation was not as optimistic as Doctor Ma said, it was indeed all right, as long as she took care of herself After a while, it will heal itself.

(End of this chapter)

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