Chapter 1623

Chapter 1639

The Wan family's intelligence network is indeed very powerful, and Zheng Zhongwen has seen it with his own eyes. As long as they want to investigate, there is almost nothing they cannot find out. As long as Yun Tian still has relatives alive, they will be able to find out.

Rong Yue cared about her son who was far away in the western border, and asked in Chao Nianwen: "How many days have you been back, have you seen the emperor?"

Read the text and said: "Uncle came to our house two days ago, and he was very happy to know that our family is safe. He also said that he sent someone to pick up my younger brother. He will arrive in three days. Calculated, he should arrive in the capital today."

The couple immediately beamed with joy. As parents, they always cared about their children. In the past, when their son was by their side, they only thought about their daughter's safety. Now that their daughter is by their side, they naturally think about their son.

At this time, a maid came in from outside and blessed them: "My lord, princess, the little lord has returned to the mansion and is coming to Fu'an Hall."

Nian Wen rushed out happily, she hadn't seen her younger brother for a long time, and she also missed him strangely, now that she heard that he was back, she couldn't sit still.

Rong Yue also went out to welcome them, while Zhong Wen and Wan Kun stood at the entrance of the hall, waiting for them to come back.

In the distance, Nianwen saw a slender figure passing through the moon gate. I haven't seen him for a year. Zhou'er has grown taller and thinner, but his face is still so handsome.

She ran all the way and called, "Zhouer, you are back."

Seeing his sister running towards him, Zhengzhou couldn't stop crying. He once thought that he would never see his sister again in this lifetime. He once thought that their family would never be able to reunite again.

After waiting for so long, suffering for so long, and fearing for so long, he finally returned to this familiar home and saw these familiar family members.

"Sister—" Zheng Zhou rushed to read the text, the siblings hugged each other, both choked up, all the suffering and hardships were over, and their family was finally reunited again.

Rong Yue walked to the side of the two siblings, looking at the two siblings who were hugging each other and crying, she couldn't help but her eyes were red, "Good boy, why are you crying, our family is fine, what's there to cry about, you should laugh , you should laugh."

The siblings separated, Zheng Zhou wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "Mother, I am so happy, really happy."

"Yes, mother, we are weeping with joy, not sadness." Nian Wen took out the handkerchief and wiped the tears off his younger brother's face: "Brother Zhou, from now on, our family will never be separated, OK?"

Zheng Zhou shook his head: "That can't be done, my sister is a girl, how can there be a girl who doesn't get married and lives with her parents and brothers all her life?"

Immediately blushing after reading the text, he stretched out his fist and punched Zhengzhou: "You boy, you have learned to talk poorly."

But Rong Yue smiled and said: "Zhou'er is right, you are a girl, you are going to marry sooner or later, if you say you will be with us for the rest of your life, it is clearly perfunctory and dishonest."

Read the text: "Who says I'm perfunctory to you, I'm not, I won't marry at worst, I have to have children after I get married, and I have to raise children after giving birth, it's so troublesome, I'm still comfortable with my parents."

Rong Yue gave her a white look, and said angrily: "You girl, you are talking nonsense, if you think like this, then we can have your siblings when we stand side by side in the palace?"

Nianwen stuck out her tongue, blushing and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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