Chapter 1624

Chapter 1640

What does she not understand about her daughter's small thoughts? She is also very satisfied with Kun'er. When she knew that Jiao Er liked Wen'er, she was worried that Wen'er would really get together with Jiao Er. In the end, she will marry Zhou Chao far away. If she wants to see her daughter, it will not be so easy.

Now that her daughter can stay by her side, it is naturally the best.

The mother and son returned to the living room, Zhengzhou saluted his father, and sat down together, Rong Yue said: "Since Zhou'er is back, let's go into the palace, so that Tianqi won't worry, and also take a look at what's going on in the palace by the way." situation."

He refrained from reading the text: "Mother, after traveling for so many days, you just rest for two days before entering the palace. There's no need to rush. Aren't uncle and that palace of Chu all well there?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "No, Mother won't see it with her own eyes, she will always feel worried."

Zhongwen also said: "Wen'er, don't try to persuade her. Don't you know what kind of temperament your mother is? If she doesn't see your uncle with her own eyes, she won't be able to sleep even if she is asked to rest."

Zheng Zhou said with a smile: "Zhou'er misses the emperor's uncle too. While it's still early, we might have a meal when we enter the palace. Hurry up!"

Everyone laughed together, got up and left the hall together.

The butler prepared two carriages, originally for the prince and princess to take one, and the three younger ones to take the other.

After Zheng Zhongwen and Rong Yue got into the carriage first, Zheng Zhou was about to climb up the carriage at the back, but was grabbed by Wan Kun.

Zhengzhou was puzzled: "Brother Kun, what are you doing? Why don't you let me go up?"

Wan Kun pointed to the carriage in front, "Go and sit in the front."

Zhengzhou was even more puzzled: "Why? That's where my parents sat. I want to sit with my sister."

Wan Kun cleared his throat and lowered his voice: "I have something to tell your sister, you go ahead."

Zheng Zhou shook his head: "Is there anything you can't say in front of me? I don't want to go to the front, I just want to sit with my sister, I still have a lot of things to ask my sister."

Wan Kun leaned into his ear: "Go to Jubao Zhai tomorrow, pick whatever you want, and charge it to my account."

Zhengzhou's eyes immediately brightened. He has no other hobbies, but he likes to dig into Jubaozhai. Jubaozhai is full of rare things, and the price is generally high. Although he is the little prince of the palace, he is young after all, and he spends money There is a fixed number, and the parents are also strict, and she is not allowed to mess around like those dandies in the capital city, so he can only look at many things greedily, and he can't afford them at all.

Wan Kun was different. Wan Kun was the son of the Wan family. If the Wan family were to be said to be the richest man in the Chu Dynasty, it would be well-deserved. Hearing that Jubaozhai belonged to the Wan family, he immediately became elated with his words.

"It's agreed, but you are not allowed to play tricks." Zheng Zhou said seriously.

Wan Kun shrugged: "Do you think I'm someone who can cheat?"

Zheng Zhou giggled, and happily ran to the carriage ahead.

Seeing that he got into the carriage smoothly, Wan Kun slowly got into Wen'er's carriage.

Seeing him coming in alone, Wen'er glanced behind him and asked, "Where's Zhou'er?"

Wan Kun naturally sat across from her, staring at Wen'er with smiling eyes: "He said it's too crowded here, so he wants to sit with his parents."

"Crowded here? Parents won't be crowded?" How different is the number of people?Looking at Wan Kun's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she suddenly realized, and pointed to the tip of his nose: "It must be you."

He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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