Chapter 1637

Chapter 1654

Seeing that he was the side-by-side king, the yamen servant hurriedly saluted.

Zhongwen got off his horse, "There's no need to be too polite, just speak quickly."

Only then did the yamen servant describe the strange phenomenon by the lake just now, his face turned pale with shock, and he kept trembling even as he spoke.

"My lord, please don't go there. This must be a lake monster. The lake monster must be right."

Zhongwen felt that this fact was too strange, how could he rest assured if he didn't go to see it with his own eyes, he turned his head to read the text and said: "You stay, I will go and see by myself."

Lianwen agreed, but when her father passed by, she quietly followed him.

By the bank of Banyue Lake, a woman's corpse was lying alone on the grass. Her face was pale and blotchy, there were obvious bruises on her neck, and two blood holes on her chest, which dyed her clothes dark red.

He was wearing a pair of navy blue trousers on his lower body, and his feet were bare.

Further forward, gusts of icy air emanated from the lake, as if suddenly falling into an ice kiln.

She squatted by the lake and touched the ice on the lake with her hand. It was indeed ice, but it was not as cold as she had imagined. When she touched her hand lightly, the ice shattered. Then, the broken cracks continued to expand, and soon The ice layer on the entire lake surface was completely broken and melted without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The chill also disappeared along with the ice cubes, as if they had never appeared before.

"This is really strange. It comes and goes in a hurry. It's the first time I've seen such ice." Zheng Zhongwen said.

The guard who followed him asked, "Could it be that there is really a lake monster in this lake?"

Zheng Zhongwen is not sure now, if he says no, then how to explain the sudden appearance of the ice layer?If so, why hasn't the lake monster come out to hurt people now?Besides, there were two other people in the lake, so it was easy for the lake monster to harm them.

But no lake monster appeared, until the boat returned to the shore, the lake monster did not appear either.

Nianwen squatted back in front of the deceased to examine the wounds on the deceased's body. One of the blood holes was in the chest, right in the heart, and the other was in the lungs, running directly through the lungs to the back.

It can be seen that the murderer's strength is strong, and he only pierced it twice, and both times were in vital parts, so the murderer must be a veteran, a veteran of murder.

Zheng Zhongwen returned to Nianwen: "What did you find?"

Nian Wen pointed to the blood hole on the chest of the deceased and said: "Father, this is not bitten by the teeth of a giant beast, but an injury caused by an iron rod. The last time Wan Kun and I passed by here when we came back from Qingshui Lake, it is On the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a person died here, also a woman, with the same wound as this one, exactly the same."

The two catchers who got off the boat quickly came to Zheng Zhongwen's side: "My lord, did you see it just now? This is really crazy. The Duanduan Lake suddenly froze. Our boat was inside and moved for a long time. No more."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "I see, well, let's not talk about this for now, this king asks you, who are the seven people who died?"

The catcher quickly recovered his composure and replied: "My lord, it's strange to say that this lake monster is male or not, but it actually picked women to kill, and the seven dead were all women."

Zheng Zhongwen asked again: "Where do these seven people live?"

The policeman thought about it quickly, and said, "There are people who live anywhere, in and out of the city, and they are all young women in their twenties."

Reading the text looked at the woman's attire, she was obviously not a woman from a rich family, so she first ruled out robbery and murder.

(End of this chapter)

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