Chapter 1638

Chapter 1655

Since it wasn't robbery and murder, and all the murders were women, then there is another possibility.

This required an autopsy, as well as several other bodies.

"Didn't the office worker in your yamen do an autopsy?"

The policeman said: "I would like to test it, but the family of the deceased refused, saying that this was an insult to the deceased. They refused, and we have no choice but to let them take him back for burial."

"Pedantic!" Nian Wen looked around and said, "Since the family of the deceased has not been found yet, I will conduct an autopsy now, so as not to miss the opportunity to catch the evil."

The policeman was stunned: "A good opportunity to catch the murderer? Well, wasn't this killed by the lake monster? What else is there to catch? Just catch the lake monster."

Nianwen shook his head: "No, it wasn't the lake monster that hurt her, she was murdered."

She grabbed the woman's hand and looked closely at the woman's nails. She found some dander in the crevices of the nails. This dander was obviously human skin tissue.

She put down the woman's hand and reached out to untie the woman's waistband.

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "What are you doing?"

Read the text and said: "I want to see if she was killed by a prostitute." Seven lives in seven days, seven of them are women, there is no such coincidence in this world.

Her hands didn't stop, she continued to do her work, Zhongwen sighed, this girl, like her mother, must do what she wants to do, no matter what her identity is.

That's all, just let her go.

Seeing that she had already dressed the deceased, Zhongwen hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Nianwen frowned, and his expression was very bad: "Sure enough, as I expected, it was indeed done by a prostitute. If we can examine the other six corpses, we can be more sure whether it was done by the same person."

The arrester quickly said: "But those people have been brought back by the family members of the deceased, and they may have been buried."

Nianwen squatted by the lake to wash her hands, a familiar breath suddenly entered her nose, Yuntian?

This is Yuntian's aura, his aura is different from ordinary people, she knew it by smelling it, she stood up and looked around, but nowhere was Yuntian's figure, even the aura she just smelled disappeared in an instant.

Is it an illusion?I just smelled his breath, is it just an illusion?
"Wen'er, what's wrong with you?" Zhong Wen saw her expression was abnormal.

Nian Wen shook his head: "It's okay, I just lost my mind, oh, where are we talking?"

The policeman hurriedly said: "It is said that the other six corpses have been taken away by the family members, maybe they have already been buried."

Read the text and said: "It won't be so fast. Maybe the first few people have been buried, but the nearest few people should not be there. We are also a little particular about funeral affairs here. It should be too late to check now."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Wen'er is right. If you want to catch the real murderer, you must do an autopsy. Only after the cause of death is determined can you start the hunt."

The policeman hurriedly said: "The villain will take you there now."

This Detective Li happened to have handled all the lake monster murder cases, and the address of each deceased was very clear. He took them to the families where the accident occurred in the past few days, and sure enough, there were still three families who had not buried them.

One of them didn't even have a coffin ready in time.

Seeing that the king and princess came in person, even if the family members of the deceased wanted to object to the autopsy, they did not dare, so they had no choice but to let them examine it.

In fact, when the people came back, they had already discovered some abnormalities, but it was only embarrassing for them to say such things, so they simply pretended not to know.

(End of this chapter)

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