Chapter 1639

Chapter 1656

After examining the bodies of the three people, Nianwen didn't say anything in front of the family members. He only said that he would find the murderer as soon as possible and give everyone an explanation.

There were a lot of villagers watching, and everyone wanted to know the inside story. The princess's intentional maintenance brought a little comfort to the already sad family members, and sent them out with gratitude.

On the way back, seeing that Nianwen was still frowning, Zheng Zhongwen asked, "Are you sure?"

Read the text and nodded: "It's confirmed, they are all belonged to one person. Using the same method, everyone dies in the same way. They rape first and then kill them. Even the positions of the wounds that caused them to die are exactly the same. There is also a very strange one. thing."

"What?" Zheng Zhongwen asked anxiously.

"These women all wore the same navy blue trousers, and they all didn't fit well. They were obviously not my own trousers. I asked the husband of the deceased in private, and he said they were not his, and he had never seen them before. Sanhu Everyone else is the same, including the body found by Banyue Lake today, who was also wearing the same trousers."

The bad thing is that the fabric of this kind of trousers is a very common material. People with poor living conditions wear this fabric. It is blue and resistant to dirt. Almost every household has clothes and trousers of this color. Let’s start to investigate from this aspect , is very difficult.

Zheng Zhongwen also frowned: "Any other clues?"

Read the text: "Then there are wounds on the deceased's body, which are very similar to being injured by the iron brazing commonly used in the blacksmith's shop, and the nails of the several deceased have remained human skin flakes, presumably they were in extreme pain. It was scratched from the body of the perpetrator."

The policeman who followed the two interjected: "There is another situation. The villain once asked the family members of the deceased. Before the accident, the accident happened when the deceased went shopping on Fengning Street."

"Fengning Street? Did it all happen on Fengning Street?" Nian Wen asked urgently.

The policeman shook his head: "It's unclear whether the first scene was Fengning Street, but they did leave home and go to Fengning Street, and never came back after that."

Fengning Street is an old street, and there are all kinds of cheap goods for sale on the street. Most of the people who buy things on Fengning Street are families with relatively difficult lives in the city.

From the street to the end of the street, the road is two miles long, and the shops are full. There are thirteen shops in Guangbuzhuang, and eight blacksmith shops. Not to mention other shops, there are at least a hundred shops in total.

Even if the iron chisel was the murder weapon, it might not have been done by someone in the blacksmith shop. Although the iron chisel is a commonly used tool in the blacksmith shop, it is rare for ordinary people to have it in their homes.

"Since there is this clue, why not investigate it, but believe the rumors of the lake monster killing people?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

The arrester was ashamed, he didn't believe it at first, and originally planned to send people to Fengning Street to investigate, but who would have thought that corpses were being salvaged from the Banyue Lake every day, and the rumors of lake monsters became more and more popular. Sheng was so convinced that even he unconsciously believed it. . .

"My lord, the bodies of these women are found in Banyue Lake every day, and some people have seen the lake monster with their own eyes. We, we-"

"Absurd, listen to what you said. Could it be that the lake monster came out of Banyue Lake, then entered the city, and then robbed the woman in the city to go to Banyue Lake? Is this reasonable? Is it reasonable?" Zheng Zhongwen glared at him angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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