Chapter 1649

Chapter 1666

Unfortunately, he has never been interested in money.

"I want your life, are you willing to give it?" When he spoke, he was not in a hurry, as if he had already won the victory.

Wan Kun didn't hesitate, "You let her go, and I will give you my life."

The man chuckled, and his smile was extremely cold: "I really didn't realize that a young master like you is actually an infatuated."

His mood suddenly began to change, and he became a little irritable: "People like you, don't you treat women like clothes and are heartless? Why are you willing to sacrifice your own life for a woman?"

Wan Kun said: "She is my fiancée, the woman I love the most in my life. If I can't even protect my own woman, am I worthy of being a man?"

These words, like a sharp sword, pierced into the man's heart fiercely, causing him pain. Those past events flowed in front of his eyes one after another, stirring up his already turbulent mind.

Nianwen felt his lack of focus, and felt that the hand he clasped her neck began to loosen. She seized this moment, and with a slight movement of the ring on her finger, a thin blade popped out. Exuding a cold chill, a murderous intent attacked the man behind her.

The thin blade pierced the man's throat. In order to dodge, the man had no choice but to let go of her confinement. When she came out, Wan Kun went up with the sword and fought hard with her.

Wan Kun's kung fu has improved compared to before. He was originally good at reciting texts, but when he was fighting with a man, he was only a draw, and he was still in a state of restlessness. Trying his best, I am afraid that Wan Kun will not be his opponent.

Seeing more and more arresters gathering, the man knew that he could not drag on any longer, so he took the opportunity to jump on the back of the horse that had been left aside, and fled the scene on horseback.

Wan Kun quickly jumped on a horse, and said to the gathered policemen, "Follow me, and the rest of you will seal off the blacksmith shop and search for the murder weapon."

Nianwen also got on a horse, and followed Wan Kun to chase outside the city. On the way, he met Zheng Zhongwen again.

Zheng Zhongwen was looking for Nianwen at first, but seeing her and Wan Kun together now, he felt relieved and hurriedly chased after him: "What are you running for?"

Read the text and said: "Father, we found the murderer. He fled towards the city gate. We are chasing him."

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen heard this, he hurriedly shouted to the guards behind him to chase outside the city with him.

At this time, the gate of the city has been closed, and there are pursuers behind.The man knew that if he did not leave the city at this time, he would completely lose his chance.

He gritted his teeth, stepped on his horse and leapt forward, just in time to sweep up the tower.

He stood on the tower, looking back at the people chasing him, the moonlight fell on his black face, the murderous look on his face was undeniable, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips, an extremely cruel smile.

He jumped, and his figure disappeared on the city gate tower.

Seeing that it was Zheng Zhongwen who was leading the charge, the officials who guarded the city gate hurriedly opened the city gate, and everyone rode out of the city, but there was no trace of the man.

At this time, a man came running stumblingly, his face was full of horror, the man threw himself in front of Zheng Zhongwen's horse, knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Help, my lord, help me, my lord!"

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "Who are you? What happened, tell me!"

The man trembled and said: "My lord, my wife and I came from Mutuo County. We missed Sutou and the city gate was closed again, so we rested under the tree in front of us. Just now a man in black appeared suddenly. My horse also robbed my wife, please save my wife, she is still pregnant for three months!"

(End of this chapter)

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