Chapter 1650

Chapter 1667

Zhongwen asked, "Where did you go?"

The man pointed in a direction, and that direction was the direction of Banyue Lake.

He went to Banyue Lake again and arrested a woman. Could it be that he wants to kill someone?
Zheng Zhongwen sent two policemen to stay behind, and took the man in front of him into the city, while the rest rushed all the way to the bank of Banyue Lake.

The horse the man rode had been running for a whole day today, and it was already exhausted. It was an ordinary horse, and naturally it couldn't compare to the war horse Zheng Zhongwen and others rode.

The sound of drinking horses in the back was getting closer and closer, the man sneered, and clutching the woman who had fainted from fright, he flew to the ground and fled to the lake.

He stood by the lake, with his back to the silvery lake, holding the woman's collar in his hand, as long as he let go, the woman would fall into the water.

He looked indifferently at those who surrounded him, "If you dare to go any further, I'll let her go to this lake to drink her fill."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his hand and ordered everyone to stand by. He asked the man, "Who are you? Why are you so inhuman and murdered so many good women?"

The man snorted coldly: "You don't deserve to know who I am, extinction of humanity? Heh—what is humanity? I never had such a thing, how can I say extinction?"

He glanced sideways at the unconscious woman beside him: "Women from a good family? Who knows whether these women are from a good family? Maybe the child in her belly is someone else's bastard." As he spoke, he A fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he had an extreme disgust for the woman in front of him.

With a strong push, he simply pushed the woman into the water.

Zheng Zhongwen was furious, and rushed forward with his sword, Wan Kun followed immediately, and the two joined hands to fight him.

Lianwen jumped into the water to save people. She has never played in water, but she knows that she is good at water and can hold her breath underwater for a long time. This is what her mother told her, saying that she accidentally fell into the water when she was a child , has never learned to swim, but can swim freely, and can hold her breath for a long time. Everyone thought she was drowned, but when she was fished ashore, she looked like a normal person.

She jumped into the water, and it was so dark that she couldn't see anything but reach out and grab and feel.

She couldn't hold her breath, and soon felt that she couldn't hold it anymore, and was about to float up to get a breath, but here, a few water plants entangled her feet, and she couldn't exert much strength in the water, and for a while She couldn't get rid of the water plants that entangled her, her little face was flushed, she couldn't hold it anymore, she opened her mouth, but was surprised to find that she could breathe in the water, and there was no lake water pouring into her body. nose and mouth.

How is this going?How could she—a picture suddenly flashed in her mind, at the bottom of the cold pool, she was the same as now, breathing and swimming freely, like a fish, and there was a huge fish beside her at that time. The Han Jiao, that's right, is the Han Jiao.

Suddenly, there was a surge of water, and she felt a stream of water rushing towards her. She thought of the legend of the lake monster, panicked, and subconsciously reached out to block it. When she stretched out her hand, she touched a hand, a soft one. of , human hand.

Stretching out her hand again, she touched the man's head, with long hair and a hairpin stuck in it.

It was a woman, the woman who fell into the water.

She was ecstatic in her heart, and quickly floated up with the woman in her arms.

The fight on the shore continued, and she dragged the woman ashore, slapping her on the back until she woke up and spat out gulps of lake water.

(End of this chapter)

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