Chapter 1651

Chapter 1668

Seeing that Nian Wen saved the woman ashore, the man was so angry that he shouted angrily, "Who asked you to save her? Who told you to save her? She deserves to die, this bitch deserves to die!"

Under the joint hands of Wan Kun and Zheng Zhongwen, the man was originally at a disadvantage. At this moment, his distraction gave Wan Kun and Zheng Zhongwen a good chance.

The long swords of the two pierced his back from left to right.

The man spit out a mouthful of blood, grabbed the two long swords with his backhand, broke them with force, and cruelly pulled out the broken swords stuck in his body.

He turned around slowly, staring at Zheng Zhongwen and Wan Kun with bloodshot eyes, "If you don't let me live, let's die together!"

He threw away the broken sword in his hand, bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his lips. Immediately afterwards, his complexion began to change. Blood red like seeping blood.


The man roared wildly, and the clothes on his body were torn apart, revealing his body full of scars. On the originally very strong body, the muscles seemed to be growing, as if someone was blowing air into it.

Wan Kun frowned, thinking in his heart that something was wrong: "Here, is he burning blood?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, with shock in his eyes: "Yes, this is Burning Blood, he is a member of the Spirit Blood clan."

The Spirit Blood Race, this mysterious group that is almost forgotten by the world.

Wan Kun shouted at the text: "Wen'er, run, go!"

The man had stopped burning blood, and his figure seemed to double in size in an instant. Standing in front of them, he looked like a giant.

"Want to run? I'm afraid it's not that easy."

His voice seemed to come from hell, it was eerie and terrifying.

The catcher and the guards kept backing away in shock.

Lianwen picked up the woman whose legs were weak from fright, and ran quietly to the horses that were grazing.

The man looked at Wen'er and sneered: "Want to run?"

He raised his hand, and the palm quickly gathered vigorous vitality. Seeing this, Wan Kun and Zheng Zhongwen rushed forward.

The man waved his hand, and a huge force knocked them over in an instant, "I'm overwhelmed, I'll kill those two sluts first, and then I'll deal with you slowly when I turn around."

Wan Kun clutched his aching chest and asked, "My lord, how long will his blood-burning skill last?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I can't tell. The strength of the skill is different, so the time to hold it is also different. This person has a strong power, and I think he can last for at least half an hour."

Half an hour is enough to kill all of them.

The two struggled to get up, wanting to fly up again to prevent him from hurting Nianwen, however, they were injured internally at this time, and they couldn't stand in front of the man before he made a move.

Seeing that Nianwen was about to fall into the hands of the madman, a white shadow suddenly descended from the sky, stood behind Nianwen, and blocked the palm of the madman.

The fanatic's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Someone could block his fatal blow. The person in front of him was still a young man, but he looked like he was in his early twenties. Has his skill already reached this level?
"Who are you? I advise you to mind your own business." The madman roared.

"Nosy? I don't think it's nosy. She is the woman I, Yuntian, want to protect. How dare you hurt her. It seems that you are the one who is tired of living."

At this time, Yuntian, like a god in the world, suddenly appeared, saving the world from danger, and bringing people hope for life.

(End of this chapter)

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