Chapter 1653

Chapter 1670

Yuntian didn't refuse, and there was no reason to refuse. They needed help, someone to fight side by side with him.

"And me!" Nianwen, who was pushed behind by Yuntian, stood up again, and stood on Yuntian's left. The three of them stood straight, with firm eyes that looked death at home.

The lunatic laughed wildly: "Okay, okay—just to send you to the west together."

Yun Tian was the first to rush towards the lunatic, and the power of ice in his palm pressed down on the lunatic like Mount Tai.

The lunatic didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and raised his hands to meet the palm. At this moment, Wan Kun and Nianwen saw the right moment, and the two of them simultaneously performed the golden cicada footwork, and quickly slid to the left and right of the lunatic. , Wan Kun stabbed the short blade into the madman's left abdomen, and Nianwen popped out the thin blade on the ring, stabbing the madman's left chest fiercely.

Just like he pierced the women's bodies with iron rods, the same position.

When the two drew out their swords, there was not even a trace of blood, which was very strange.

Wan Kun frowned, his expression changed greatly: "No, he's going to explode."

He pulled the text and quickly retreated, but it was still a step too late.

There was a cruel sneer on the madman's face, and a pair of vicious eyes stared at Yun Tian: "Go to hell, go to hell!"

Hearing a 'boom', the lunatic's body suddenly turned into a blood mist, and an extremely powerful force erupted in the blood mist, sending Yun Tian and Wan Kun's readings flying together, within a distance of tens of feet. Zheng Zhongwen and others who were far away were also shocked to take two steps back.

The three of them fell in the grass, covered in blood, without any personnel.

"Hurry up, take them back quickly, back to the palace, hurry up!" Zheng Zhongwen was in a turmoil, and stepped forward to pick up his daughter. The face of reading the text was covered with blood, and he couldn't see his face clearly. so cold?

"It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay." He turned his head to look at Wan Kun and Yun Tian, ​​and the situation of those two was no better than that of Nian Wen.

"Hurry up, go back to the city, go back to the palace."

He has only one thought now, to go back and find Rongyue, only Rongyue can save them, only Rongyue can save them.

Go back to the city on a fast horse, as if running crazy all the way.

The side-by-side palace in the middle of the night was really in chaos, and when Rong Yue saw the three unconscious and blood-stained people, her face paled with shock.

She felt the pulse for them one by one, but there was no slack in her frowning.

"Quick, get the needle."

She walked up to Yun Tian first, and ordered her servants to help Yun Tian up, and took off her shirt.

As soon as the injection was given, she found that Yuntian's meridians were very unusual. His meridians were completely different from ordinary ones, and the aura in his body was also extraordinary.

If it was any other doctor, I'm afraid they would give up treatment right away. They had never seen such a meridian at all, and they couldn't do anything about it.

Ke Rongyue has seen it, not only seen it, but also very familiar with it.

Her daughter, Zheng Nianwen, has very similar meridians to Yuntian's. Although they are not exactly the same, they are roughly the same, and they are both weird and different from ordinary people.

She has studied Wen'er's meridian since she was a child, so she has a certain understanding of this meridian.

The power of Yuntian's meridian is very strong, the silver needle pierced the center of the chest, and it throbbed very violently, as if the needle was about to be ejected in the next moment.

After getting the needle for Yun Tian, ​​Rong Yue's forehead was covered with bean sweat, Zhong Wen hurriedly wiped her sweat: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Rong Yue nodded: "Fortunately, you sent it back in time, and finally stabilized. If it is two steps late, Yun Tian's kung fu may not be guaranteed."

(End of this chapter)

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