Chapter 1654

Chapter 1671

Zhongwen breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Look at Wen'er and Kun'er."

Rong Yue shook her head: "No need, they are not seriously injured, they are just stunned by the inner strength, and they will wake up soon, it's okay."

Zhongwen looked surprised: "No trouble? They were right beside Yun Tian at that time, and Yun Tian was injured so badly, yet they didn't get in the way?"

Rong Yue said: "It seems that Yuntian blocked this fatal blow for them. You should know Yuntian's skill, even he was injured like this. If this fatal blow falls on Nianwen and Wan Kun, they will be killed now. Can you still live?"

I'm afraid it's hard to save the gods!
Thinking about the situation at that time, Zhong Wen found that, as Rong Yue said, Yun Tian blocked the fatal blow for Wan Kun and Nian Wen, that's why he suffered such serious internal injuries.

"If it weren't for Yuntian today, all of us would have died." The situation at that time is still scary when I think about it now. That person turned out to be a member of the Spirit Blood Race. Unexpectedly, the Spirit Blood Clan still exists somewhere in the world, and the power of the Spirit Blood Clan is still so strong.

Rong Yue was also curious: "Why did Yuntian appear suddenly? Didn't you go outside the city?"

Zhongwen nodded: "We were fighting at the bank of Banyue Lake. This guy lost to me and Wan Kun. He knew that he would not be able to escape no matter what today, so he simply used the blood-burning kung fu, and his strength suddenly increased. Wan Kun and I are not His opponent couldn't stop him, and Yun Tian suddenly appeared at that time."

Rong Yue turned her head to look at the unconscious Yun Tian on the bed, her curiosity about him was flooding like a torrent of water, not only the meridians of this man were unusual, but also his inner strength was very special, when he was given the needle, his skin was very cold, very cold , like a piece of ice, but the meat is real meat.

How could a person's body be so cold, and she could feel it, that kind of cold was not the usual coldness of being caught with a cold or dying of a serious illness, but a chill coming from the bones.

Who exactly is he, what is his identity, and what exactly does he want to do?
She had many, many questions she wanted to ask him, and everything had to wait for him to wake up.

Rong Yue took Nian Wen away, and Zhong Wen went to another guest room with Wan Kun on his back. The two were hostile to each other because of Wen'er, and slept in the same room. If they woke up, they might fight.

At Chen Shi, Wan Kun woke up, the sky outside the window was already bright, and everything in the room was so strange, but he knew it.This is Side by Side Wangfu, the furnishings and utensils in the room are the layout of the Wangfu, and he can recognize it at a glance.

"Come here!" Although he was not seriously injured, his words still touched the internal wounds of the internal organs, causing a heart-rending pain.

The maid guarding outside quickly pushed the door open and asked with a blushing face, "What's your order?"

"Where is the princess?" he asked.

The maid hurriedly said: "Young master, the Princess is in Maple Leaf Pavilion."

Maple Leaf Pavilion?Isn't that a guest room?She is not in Jingwenju, why did she go to Maple Leaf Pavilion?

Seeing him frowning, the maid hurriedly said: "My lord, the princess just came to see you. Seeing that you haven't woken up, I went to the Maple Leaf Pavilion. Mr. Yun is still in the Maple Leaf Pavilion and is still in a coma."

Wan Kun understood and nodded. He smelled a medicine, which was the medicine for his internal injury. It seemed that the princess had already shown him the injury.

"Bring the medicine." He turned around and stuffed his feet into the shoes beside the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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