Chapter 1656

Chapter 1673

Going one step further, I want to go one step further.

She is no longer willing to be a maid. She is as old as the princess, and she is already 16 years old. In Jingwenju, her appearance is the best. Liu Er once praised her, with red lips and white teeth, almond eyes and peach cheeks, she is a very standard beauty , and tall, with a thin waist and full chest, any man would be fascinated by her.

She didn't know if there was any water in Liu'er's words, she only knew that six or seven of the guards in the mansion had already expressed their affection for him.

But she is not willing to marry only a bodyguard, why those ugly and faceless women can be rich and rich, but she looks like this, but she can only be a servant for the rest of her life, she is not reconciled.

She is the princess's personal maid, even if the princess doesn't take her with her when she goes out, she will always be with her after returning home. She knows that one day, she will marry the princess to Wan's family.

Mr. Wan is the future husband of the princess, and will also be her future husband.

As personal maids, when it is inconvenient for the princess, their personal maids have to take on the job of serving the uncle.

If she served her well, it would not be impossible for her to be favored by the aunt, and be promoted as an aunt. At that time, she would really turn around.

That's why she purposely pretended to be ashamed in front of Mr. Wan, but it's a pity that Mr. Wan is such a ignorant idiot.

Maple Leaf Court

Wan Kun's injuries were heavier than Wen'er's, so he naturally woke up later, and his internal organs burned as if they were on fire. As a doctor himself, he knew there was nothing serious, but it was just uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered the Maple Leaf Pavilion, he saw Wen'er squatting in the yard decocting medicine, the corners of his eyes were still wet, as if he had just cried.

He rushed forward, pulled up Wen'er who was squatting, and looked her up and down: "Are you okay?"

Wen'er shook his head, the tears that had already been swallowed poured out again, "Wan Kun, Yun Tian, ​​he was seriously injured, and he hasn't woken up until now. The kung fu in his body has disappeared little by little since last night, and now there is no trace of it. What's left, what should I do?"

Wan Kun's heart ached so much that he hugged Wen'er, who was streaming tears, into his arms, and gently stroked her back: "Don't be afraid, I'm still there. I'll show him, and he'll be fine."

Wen'er can't feel at ease at all. Although Wan Kun's medical skills are very good, can he still be better than his mother?

When the two entered the room, after Wan Kun took his pulse, he immediately frowned, and then checked several important acupuncture points on his body, but found that the acupuncture points were not in places he was familiar with.

Wen'er hurriedly said: "My mother said that Yuntian's meridians are different from ordinary people, and the positions of acupuncture points are also different from ordinary people."

Wan Kun nodded, and quickly found Yuntian's acupuncture points based on his experience as a doctor. The strange thing is that the internal force in Yuntian's body really didn't exist at all. What's going on?This is so weird.

Unless someone revoked his martial arts, or dissipated his own martial arts, otherwise, such a situation would never happen.

He had never seen this kind of situation before, and he didn't know how to treat it.

"What did the princess say?" he asked.

Wen'er sighed, and said: "My mother said that unless Yun Tian wakes up, there is no way to know what happened to him. Why is it so good, those strong internal forces will suddenly disappear without a trace."

Wan Kun said: "His internal organs are seriously injured, that is to say, if it were someone else, he would have died a long time ago. Don't worry, since he can survive until now, he will be fine, maybe soon wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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