Chapter 1657

Chapter 1675

Rong Yue shook her head: "It's very strange, although his pulse condition is weak and feeble, but the meridian has the power to protect it, my silver needle can't penetrate it at all, this kind of situation is really rare."

Yun Tian said softly: "Aside from being a little cold, I feel fine. I should be fine. Maybe I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

Rong Yue was not so optimistic, if she could really rest for a few days, it wouldn't be the case that after sleeping for so many days, she would not improve at all.

She sighed, "I can only hope for this right now."

At this moment, Liu'er came in from the outside, and said to Wen'er: "Master Wan, Mr. Wan is here, and he is coming this way."

Read the text and nodded, "Understood, I will come here soon, I must not have lunch yet, you go and prepare it." She glanced at Yun Tian again, and then said: "Mr. Yun didn't eat it, and prepared for three people." Said When she got up, she didn't seem to have eaten herself.

Rong Yue said: "Wen'er, take good care of Yun Tian, ​​he needs to rest a lot, don't bother him too much."

Wen'er understands what she means, Yuntian is a man after all, she is a girl with yellow flowers, guarding Yuntian's room all day, it's really not right, it's okay to say that Yuntian fell into a coma before, but now that he wakes up, naturally he can no longer be the same as before .

"I understand." She nodded towards her mother.

Rong Yue sighed, and left Maple Leaf Pavilion very helplessly.

The daughter and Wan Kun's childhood sweetheart were originally a natural couple. In a few months, when Wan Kun's filial piety expires, they will start discussing marriage, but now, Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared again. I don't know if it can be negotiated as scheduled.

She still believed in Wan Kun. He was young and mature, and acted steadily. She also saw his feelings for Wen'er. He was indeed a good match for Wen'er.

It's just that this kid Yuntian - I'm afraid he won't give up so easily.

With Wan Kun's arrival, Maple Leaf Pavilion immediately became lively.

When Yuntian wakes up, Wan Kun is the happiest. He knows that Wen'er is guarding Yuntian's bed in untidy clothes. If Yuntian wakes up, Wen'er doesn't have to guard him anymore.

"Brother Yun is awake? It's really gratifying and congratulatory." He walked to the bed, looked at Yun Tian's pale face, full of sickness, but his breath was steady and powerful, so it should be fine.

Wen'er was setting the dishes with Liu'er, and after hearing Wan Kun's words, she hurriedly came up and said, "But there is no trace of internal energy left in his body, and he hasn't recovered even a single bit. Do you think it's strange?"

Strange, of course strange, including Yun Tian, ​​they are all extremely strange, and the strange ones cannot be blamed any more.

That day at the bank of Banyue Lake, how could he appear so coincidentally, so timely, it was unimaginable, as if he had been waiting by the lake all along.

Of course, he can't say these words, lest Wen'er say that he is crazy with jealousy, yes, he is crazy with jealousy, and Wen'er can't see that he is so interested in another man.

But there is nothing else to do, who let others be their savior, not only Wen'er's savior, but also his Wan Kun's savior, if he hadn't made his last effort that day, now he and Wen'er would only be loess A bunch.

Yun Tian looked at Wan Kun's helpless eyes, and felt very proud. He just likes to see you dislike me, or even hate me, but you look like I have nothing to do. It's really cool.

Wen'er reached out to help Yuntian: "You're hungry, come down and eat something, I'll let the kitchen prepare some of your favorite foods."

(End of this chapter)

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