Chapter 1658

Chapter 1676

Yuntian immediately stretched out his hand, wanting to get out of bed with Wen'er's support, but Wan Kun squeezed over and grabbed Yuntian's arm: "I'll help him, you go and serve the meal."

He supported Yun Tianxia on the bed, and the two looked at each other. Although they didn't say a word, the smell of gunpowder in their eyes was already very strong.

Yun Tian ouched and sat beside the bed, and Nian Wen rushed back to him in shock: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "It's okay, just came down suddenly, and I didn't get used to it for a while."

Come down hard?

Reading the text glanced at Wan Kun, Wan Kun looked innocent, saying that it had nothing to do with him.

Nian Wen glared at him, and said again: "Let me help you, Wan Kun may be a little anxious."

Yun Tian smiled lightly: "Okay!"

Yun Tian shook off Wan Kun's hand, and cast a concerned look at him.

Wan Kun took a deep breath, implying that he couldn't get angry, and couldn't lose his demeanor in front of Wen'er. This kid did it on purpose, trying to provoke him deliberately, and he couldn't be fooled by him.

Wan Kun walked a few steps quickly, and pulled out a stool for Yun Tian before reading Wen Wen's body. When Yun Tian sat down at the table, he hurriedly sat down next to him to prevent Wen Er from sitting down.

Yan'er put the prepared rice in front of the three of them, holding up the chopsticks to prepare the dishes, Wan Kun said, "Just serve him."

Yan'er responded, and sneaked a glance at Mr. Wan. His usual indifferent face now had a faint smile on his face, and his voice was much gentler when he spoke to her. Did you see her?In Master Wan's eyes, did he see her Yan'er?

Yan'er blushed serving Mr. Yun dishes, her eyes were full of shyness, and she glanced at Mr. Wan from time to time.

This scene happened to fall into Yun Tian's eyes.

He has been in this human world for more than a year, and he has seen this kind of thing before. He knows that the little girl in front of him has a crush on Wan Kun.

There were three people at a table, and each of them had their own thoughts. After the meal, they didn't say a few words at all. The atmosphere could not be called awkward, but definitely not harmonious.

The girls removed the dishes from the table, and the table was cleaned up, but the three of them had no intention of getting up.

Wen'er asked Wan Kun, "Is there anything going on in the firm?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "It's okay, I'm done with my work, I'm staying here today."

Wen'er frowned: "Yesterday you said that there were a lot of things going on today, why is it all right again?" This guy is clearly worried about her, so does he not trust her at all?

Wan Kun said: "I was in a hurry to explain it last night, and now I'm free, so you go back to rest, and I'll take care of Brother Yun, after all, he is not your savior alone, but also my savior, Wan Kun. "

He bit down the words "savior" very hard, as if someone might not be able to hear them.

Yun Tian's eyebrows moved slightly, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and he said softly, "Mr. Wan, if you have something to do, go and do it. I am in this palace. Not only Wen'er takes care of me, but also so many servants. You don't need to stay on purpose, besides, you are a son of the Wan family and you don't know how to serve others, so what's the use of staying?"

When Yun Tian said such words, even when he read the text, he was very surprised. During the days when they were separated, what did he experience?Why do you speak so sophisticatedly?
In the past, Yuntian was taciturn and would not play tricks on small things, but now Yuntian seems to be different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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