Chapter 1659

Chapter 1677

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Yan'er naturally wanted to help Mr. Wan in his heart. This Yuntian didn't know where he came from. It was inexplicable. Although he was handsome and had an extraordinary temperament, he lived alone in this palace, and he didn't see him. If someone came to him, he didn't even have any followers, and the clothes he was wearing were not of expensive materials. If you think about it, your family background must not be comparable to that of Mr. Wan.

Her princess must never marry such a man, so she has no chance of turning over.

Yan'er hurriedly said: "Princess, you haven't closed your eyes for several days, you should go back and rest, how can you live if you are exhausted?"

Wan Kun immediately cast admiring glances at Yan'er, and said with a smile: "It's right, Wen'er, you go to rest first, I'll take care of you here, and I'll let the maid call you if there's anything."

Wen'er looked at Wan Kun, then at Yun Tian, ​​finally stood up, and said, "Okay, I'll go back to rest, you must promise me not to quarrel."

Wan Kun laughed and said, "Wen'er, what are you talking about? Brother Yun is my savior. How could I quarrel with him?"

Wen'er was always worried, but it was impossible to stay here all the time. She would always leave, so let them get along by themselves. She nodded, turned around and left Maple Leaf Pavilion with Yan'er.

In the room, there were only two men left.

Two men who don't have to act in front of someone.

The smile on Yuntian's face has dissipated, and Jun's face is as indifferent as ever.

On the contrary, Wan Kun showed a faint smile, and kept his eyes fixed on Yun Tian beside him: "I haven't thanked Brother Yun properly yet."

Yun Tian glanced at him coldly, and said softly, "You're welcome, I didn't intend to save you, it was just a matter of passing."

"By the way, or on purpose, this life was saved by Brother Yun, and Wan Kun will remember it in his heart."

Yun Tian got up, walked to the bed and sat down slowly, so that he could stay away from that annoying guy: "Whatever you want, I'm going to rest, you can go."

Wan Kun also got up, but instead of leaving in a hurry, he walked in front of Yuntian, "Brother Yun's injury, it seems that it won't heal for a while, and I think he will have to live in the palace for a while, maybe in a couple of days." Wen'er and I are going to get married next month, so I'll treat Brother Yun to a glass of wedding wine."

Yun Tian's face turned cold, and when his eyes touched Wan Kun's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he suddenly realized, and then smiled and said: "On the day you get married, I don't need you to invite me, I will go to ask for a wedding wine myself. Can’t wait for this day.”

"Wait and see!"

"Wait and see!"

Wan Kun turned around and strode away, Yun Tian's complexion gradually became cold, Wan Kun didn't seem like an impetuous person, if there was a disappearance, he couldn't just say it casually.

The last time he said goodbye at the city gate, he had been to many places, but in the end, he chose to return to the capital. Only here can he find a little peace in his troubled heart.

But he didn't want to break his previous promise, and he also hoped that Nianwen could be happy, so he never showed up, and only occasionally went into the city, standing on the roof of a certain place where Wang Ji could be seen side by side, and quietly glanced at her.

That night, if she hadn't been in danger and Wan Kun and Zheng Zhongwen were out of reach, he would not have appeared.

Perhaps, this is God's will, this is a chance God gave him to appear in front of her again after he has learned many principles in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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