Chapter 1664

Chapter 1682

But these, she didn't dare to say in front of Gu Xian, now Gu Xian is the lady in charge of the backyard of the Wan Mansion, and all matters in the courtyard have to be arranged by her, including the buying and selling of slaves.

Such a situation, at least until the mistress enters the door, can be changed, and it is currently impossible.

Gu Xian stared at Xiao Tao, "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Tao hurriedly shook her head: "No, it's nothing." Xiao Tao secretly said that it was dangerous, but fortunately she didn't say what she was thinking, otherwise Gu Xian might not know how to deal with her.

Gu Xian snorted coolly: "Xiao Tao, you'd better remember that you don't even think about who your current master is. If I take the position of the head mistress, won't you follow suit? At that time, you made meritorious service, isn't it you who sit in the seat of the lady in charge in the backyard?"

Xiao Tao didn't dare to think about this, she just wanted to save her own life now.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, the son is drunk today, it's a good opportunity, you go and lure Xiao Liu away."

Xiao Tao turned pale with fright, "Gu, girl, what should I do, Xiao Liu is always smart, how could he listen to me."

Gu Xian snorted coldly: "It depends on your ability. If you want to sit in the position of the lady in charge, if you don't have any brains at all, do you think you can do it?"

Xiaotao had no choice but to get out of the room, and headed in the direction of Qingsong Residence.

When she was outside Qingsongju, she didn't dare to go in, and wandered around outside, in a hurry.

At this moment, Xiao Liu was walking out from the inside. She saw it from a distance, and hurriedly hid under a small tree beside her, only to hear Xiao Liu muttering in a low voice: "It's so late, why do you want to eat candied haws all of a sudden, where are you going?" Looking for candied haws!"

Seeing Xiao Liu's figure gradually disappearing into the night, Xiao Tao was overjoyed, this is a good opportunity, she didn't come forward to do anything, Xiao Liu left by herself, and she can turn to Gu Xian on business.

Xiaotao hurriedly went to Gu Guxian's residence, telling her that Xiaoliu had left Qingsongju, and they might not be able to come back for a while.

Gu Xian was waiting in a hurry, when she heard this, she immediately smiled from ear to ear, took out a pair of gold bracelets that Xiao Liu didn't want before, took one of them and handed it to Xiao Tao: "Your reward, remember, as long as you don't worry Follow me and help me with my errands, the benefits are indispensable to you."

Xiaotao took it with a dry smile, no matter how many good things there are, there must be life flowers.

Although the young master usually doesn't care about the affairs of the inner house, if he knows that someone dares to bully him like this, he will definitely not let this person go.

Gu Xian twisted her waist and walked out, beckoning Xiao Tao to follow, "You will be outside to watch out for a while, if Xiao Liu comes back, you must stop him, do you understand?"

Xiaotao nodded again and again, how could she dare to say that she didn't understand, she could only take a step forward and look at it first.

The two went to Qingsongju one by one, coincidentally, as soon as they arrived at the gate of Qingsongju, Xiao Liu also came back, just in time to stop them.

Xiao Liu narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Xian, looking up and down, like a mirror in his heart: "Yo - isn't this Miss Gu? It's so late, why did you come here after wandering around the garden?"

Gu Xian laughed dryly: "Look at what you said, it's so late, who would come out to visit the garden? I heard that the young master was drunk, and I was afraid that Qingsongju would not have enough manpower, so I came to help and serve the young master."

Xiao Liu thought, help me?I'm afraid it's because of my bad intentions, I want to do something nasty while the young master is drunk!
(End of this chapter)

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