Chapter 1665

Chapter 1683

If it was someone else, Xiao Liu would definitely blow him away at this time, and he wouldn't keep any sympathy.

But the woman in front of me is the little granddaughter of shopkeeper Gu, and it depends on the owner to beat the dog. Shopkeeper Gu is a very trustworthy elder to the young master. If Gu Xian is too embarrassed, he will hit shopkeeper Gu in the face. No matter how shameless and hateful a woman is, he still has to give Shopkeeper Gu some face.

"Miss Gu, the young master is already asleep, please go back." Xiao Liu had a faint smile on his face.

Gu Xian frowned, and glanced at the things in Xiao Liu's hands: "Young Master, what are you doing with food?"

Xiao Liu said: "Although the young master fell asleep, he woke up after a while. I was afraid that the young master would be hungry when he woke up, so I went to the kitchen to get some food for later use."

Gu Xian reached out to snatch the plate from Xiao Liu's hand: "Let me do it, I'll send it in, I'll take care of you today, young master, you go to rest."

Xiao Liu strayed away, and the smile on his face faded by two points: "Miss Gu, I'm afraid this is not very good, the young master said, not to mention that the maid entered his room, did you know about it?"

Gu Xian raised her eyebrows: "Of course I know, but I'm not a maid in your mansion, so this rule is invalid for me, I don't have to abide by this rule."

I have seen thick-skinned people before, but Xiao Liu has never seen a cheeky person like Gu Xian. Today is an eye-opener.

"Miss Gu, you don't have to follow the son's rules, but I, Xiao Liu, don't dare to disobey them. I ask Miss Gu to be considerate of the little one."

Gu Xian snorted coldly: "Be considerate, if I am considerate of you, who will be considerate of me? Xiaoliu, with your intelligence, you should know what I want to do. Let's be honest, I don't care what you think of me. I don't even care if you look at me with contempt, what I want is a result, and this result may be the starting point for your prosperity, if you help me today, tomorrow I will let you have endless enjoyment Prosperity and wealth."

If it were someone else, he might be attracted by her lure, but he is Xiaoliu, who has been with the young master for many years, and understands the young master's heart best. The young master only has Princess Changle in his heart, and he has a deep love for the princess. Maybe pretending to be another girl, if this Gu Xian got her way today and affected his relationship with Princess Changle in the future, he didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

The young master looks indifferent on the surface, as if he doesn't care too much about anything, but only he knows that the young master is extremely strict in doing things, and there is no room for sand in his eyes, especially this kind of back house turmoil, he is extremely disgusted, otherwise it would be impossible Will prohibit the girl from entering and leaving his bedroom.

Xiao Liu shook his head resolutely: "Miss Gu, Xiao Liu is small-minded, has no ambition, and never dares to think about such things as becoming a success, and I don't want to think about it. I just want to stay by the son's side and do my best for the son. force."

Gu Xian was extremely furious, this Xiao Liu is really an elm-headed person, she has already talked about this point, yet he still doesn't understand.

"I don't care, I must go in today, you get out of the way."

Xiao Liu stopped in front of her: "Miss Gu, I'm being polite to you, it's because of the face of shopkeeper Gu, I don't want to make the old man look bad, and I hope that Miss Gu will not force Xiao Liu to do this for the sake of the Gu family's reputation. .”

Xiao Tao at the side was extremely anxious, and hurriedly tugged on Gu Xian's sleeve: "Girl, why don't we go."

Gu Xian glared at her, raised her hand and slapped Xiao Tao dizzily: "Shut up, it's because of your ineffectiveness."

(End of this chapter)

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