Chapter 1666

Chapter 1684

Xiao Tao was so wronged, tears were rolling in her eyes, Xiao Liu couldn't bear to see it, she frowned and said: "Miss Gu, you also know that you are not from our Wan family, and the servants of the Wan family have no chance If you want to hit, you can hit, and if you want to scold, you can scold."

Gu Xian's complexion changed drastically, she pointed at Xiaoliu and said, "Well, you little Liu, you dare to control me, don't forget, I am the lady in charge of the backyard, and I am responsible for all the affairs in the backyard." Can't you manage it?"

Xiao Liu also got angry, and snorted: "Then take care of your backyard, but I, Xiao Liu, are in charge of this Qingsong Residence. Miss Gu, please go back." He turned around and walked in, took two steps and then Turning around, she said to Gu Xian: "Miss Gu, if you want to stay in this mansion, it's best not to let something like today happen again, otherwise, if you let the young master know about it, I'm afraid I won't keep you again."

Gu Xian was about to explode with anger, but there was nothing she could do about Xiao Liu. With Xiao Liu around, it was impossible for her to go into the back room, and it was impossible for her to get close to the young master.

She turned her head and stared at Xiao Tao, slapped her backhand again, and took off the gold bracelet Xiao Tao was wearing on her wrist: "You poor servant girl, you are not worthy of my reward."

Xiaotao's tears that she had endured for a long time finally rolled down. She thought she was following the right master. In this mansion, the master is only a young master, and the others are all slaves. It is impossible for her to get close to the master to serve her. To be promoted to a second-class maid and receive the monthly money of the second-class maid seems to have become a luxury.

But the arrival of Gu Xian gave her new hope. Gu Xian is not a servant in this mansion, but she is in charge of the servants in the mansion. Although she is not considered a serious master, she has ambitions and has a woman who wants to be a son. As long as she succeeds and is promoted as a concubine, she will be the half master of the house. At that time, she may be promoted to a second-class maid, or even a first-class maid.

But she didn't know until today that what Gu Xian wanted was not the identity of the aunt, but the identity of the mistress of the Wan family.

Gu Xian is too greedy, this will harm her and the people around her, she is very scared now, if you let the young master know what happened tonight, will the young master spare her?

At worst, Gu Xian would be sent back to the Gu family, but what about her?She is a slave bought by the Wan family, and her life belongs to the Wan family.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you come over?" Gu Xian's voice came from not far ahead, awakening Xiao Tao who was absent-minded.

Xiaotao hurriedly wiped away her tears and hurriedly followed.

In the inner room, Wan Kun tossed and turned uncomfortably on the bed. He couldn't sleep well until he vomited twice. Then he felt more comfortable. After drinking the hangover tea from Xiao Liuduan, he fell into a deep sleep. It was noon the next day.

When Wan Kun woke up, Xiao Liu was still in the room, lying on the table and falling asleep.

His throat was burning like fire, and he felt very uncomfortable, thinking that the drinking was really good for a while, and there were many hardships afterwards.

He sighed, rubbed his aching head and got out of bed, went to the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

The tea on the table had already cooled down completely, but it felt very comfortable to drink it now.

Xiao Liu woke up rubbing his eyes, and saw Young Master pouring tea by himself, he hurriedly said, "Young Master is awake, are you hungry? Do you want to serve dinner now?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "No need, I have no appetite, why did I sleep for so long."

Xiao Liu laughed dryly, quickly twisted a wet cloth for him to clean his face, thinking whether he should tell him about Gu Xian, if he told him, what would be the consequences?

(End of this chapter)

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