Chapter 1667

Chapter 1685

Gu Xian definitely won't stay anymore, so what about shopkeeper Gu?Will there be a rift in the relationship between the young master and shopkeeper Gu?
At the time when the sky changed in Kyoto, something happened together with the Wangfu and the Wan family. Mr. Wan was imprisoned in the Forbidden Palace, and the whereabouts of the young master was unknown. At that time, the Wan family, the shopkeeper Gu contributed a lot, and took care of the Wanfu. If it wasn't for the shopkeeper Gu Even Xiao Liu would not stay under his care. Most of the old people in the mansion are probably gone now.

Forget it, it's better not to say anything, he made it so clear last night, she probably won't do it again.

"What's the matter with you?" Wan Kun handed back the cloth towel to Xiao Liu, and saw that he had a worried look on his face.

Xiao Liu hurriedly shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, and I was a little dazed."

Wan Kun glanced at the bright sun outside, and said, "I'm going to the firm, you don't have to go today, take a good rest."

Xiao Liu hurriedly said: "No, no, I'm not too tired, I'll go with the young master."

Wan Kun waved his hand: "No need, I have nothing to do today." After finishing speaking, he took his clothes from the screen stand, put them on and went out.

Side by side with the palace
Yun Tian felt better today, so he got out of bed and walked around to look around. Although he visited the palace once last time, he didn't take a closer look at it. When he visited again today, he realized the majesty of the palace.

This kind of house, this kind of layout, is gorgeous and elegant, and it is obvious that a lot of thought has been put into the layout.

It is not unreasonable for human beings to occupy this world. Their brains are beyond the imagination of ordinary beasts. When they occupy this world, they also change the world.

Two maids carrying trays walked through the garden, and when they saw Yun Tian, ​​they hurriedly bowed to him: "Young Master Yun."

Yun Tian nodded and asked, "Where is your princess?"

The maid replied: "The princess is talking to the princess in Baoyueju, does the young master want to see the princess?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "Let her be busy if she has something to do."

After the maid left, he walked around the garden again, feeling hungry, so he walked back the same way.

He hadn't reached the Maple Leaf Pavilion yet, but he ran into a person head-on, someone he didn't really want to see.

"Brother Yun!" Wan Kun stepped forward, smiled and cupped his hands: "Brother Yun looks good!"

Yun Tian smiled lightly: "This palace is to support people, after only one day, I feel much better." He looked at Wan Kun in front of him, and said with a smile on his lips: "But Brother Wan doesn't look very good, why? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Wan Kun responded with a smile: "Last night there was a social event, so I went to bed late, it's not too bad, businessmen, this is inevitable."

He looked at Yun Tian: "I don't know what kind of business does Brother Yun's family do?"

What do you do for a living?
This stumped Yun Tian. In the past year, he left reading and learning to live in the human world. He discovered that if he wants to survive here, he must have money. Only with money can he have food, shelter and clothing.

So he also learns to make money, he doesn't know anything else, but he is still very handy in getting some underwater treasures.

"The family doesn't do much to make a living. I do some small business by myself, and it's enough to support myself."

Wan Kun snorted, glanced around, and didn't say much, but Yun Tian sensed what he meant.

The royal mansion is luxurious, and it is not ordinary people who want to maintain such a mansion. Nianwen is a noble princess. Although he studied art and endured hardships since he was a child, he lived a pampered life in life.

(End of this chapter)

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