Chapter 1668

Chapter 1686

Wan Kun is very rich, very rich, and he probably doesn't even know how rich he is.

Although Yun Tian didn't know how rich Wan Kun was, he had been to Wan Mansion and seen its luxury.

He was thinking, maybe he should buy a decent mansion, otherwise, what should he use to compete with Wan Kun?
"Yuntian, Wan Kun? Why are you here?" Nian Wen trotted over, his face flushed.

Wan Kun's indifferent face instantly softened, and he smiled and said, "I just came here, and I happened to meet Brother Yun here, so I said a few words."

Read the text and asked him: "Have you eaten?"

Wan Kun shook his head, frowning slightly: "I had a social event last night, I drank too much, not to mention lunch, I didn't even eat breakfast."

After reading the text, she hurriedly grabbed Wan Kun's hand: "Let's go, mother made a few special dishes today, and you love you." She pulled Wan Kun, turned her face to Yuntian and said: "Let's go, you haven't tasted my mother's craft yet."

The light in Yun Tian's eyes was dim, and his eyes involuntarily fell on the hands she held together with Wan Kun. The smile on his face was faint, showing no emotion, "Okay!"

Nian Wen pulled Wan Kun to walk ahead, Yun Tian followed silently, his eyes were on their hands all the time, he really wanted to pull them away with all his strength.

He didn't do it. If he would have done it a year ago, but he won't do it now. In a year, he learned a lot of things, such as being a man, and if he wants to win a girl's heart, he should do it at any time. Maintain your demeanor in front of her, show your best side in front of her, and don't make her think that he is a man with a small belly.

In the side hall of Baoyue Residence, Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen were already sitting at the table, which was filled with a table full of delicious dishes.

Nianwen let go of Wan Kun's hand, ran to Zheng Zhongwen's side, and sat down next to his father: "Dad, I haven't seen you for several days, you can be considered home."

Zheng Zhongwen stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Nianwen's hair, and said with a smile, "Father has been busy with the case of the little blacksmith Mo for the past few days, and he just closed the case today."

Speaking of this case, Nianwen immediately became interested: "Father, tell me quickly, is that little blacksmith Mo the flower picker we are looking for?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Yes, and no."

Wan Kun and Yun Tian sat down in the empty seats, Wan Kun asked: "How do you say that? Why is it so?"

Zheng Zhongwen sighed: "You must never have imagined what we found inside when we broke open the blacksmith's shop."

Rong Yue rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "Don't be so tight-lipped, are you going to panic to death?"

Nian Wen also pouted and said, "That's right, Dad obviously did it on purpose to spoil our appetite, but he just refuses to talk about it."

Zheng Zhongwen laughed: "Okay, okay, I said, can't I say it's okay? I just wanted to tease you, but in the end, you ganged up and attacked."

After they broke open the blacksmith shop that day, they found another person in the blacksmith shop, no, it was two people, one alive and one dead.

The two were born exactly alike, one was the owner of the blacksmith shop, Blacksmith Mo, and the other was the twin brother of Blacksmith Mo and his mother.

Blacksmith Mo was dead, but his brother preserved Blacksmith Mo's body with a special powder, and put it in the back room of the blacksmith shop. In that room, there were still many women's trousers piled up. The trousers and skirts of the women they killed.

(End of this chapter)

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