Chapter 1669

Chapter 1687

That man's name was Sheng De, and he was also a member of the Spirit Blood clan. The one who died was his son, his own son.

Although he was a member of the Spirit Blood clan, he became a cripple without internal strength because of his martial arts.

Those women who were raped and killed were first snatched by his son to the blacksmith's shop for him to have fun with, and then brutally killed by his son, and finally dumped their bodies in Banyue Lake.

There are more than 30 women's trousers and skirts piled up in the room. According to him, each of these clothes represents a human life. What they found were only these seven corpses, and there were many more that they didn't find at all. His body was dumped in the deep mountains and wild forests.

These days, he has been looking for the corpses at the place where the man testified, until today he has searched all the places he testified, and found a total of 28 corpses, and the rest have long since disappeared, and may have fallen into the mouth of wild beasts Also unknown.

"Father, what is the Spirit Blood Clan? Why is that Spirit Blood Clan's kung fu so strange?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I've only heard about it before, and I don't know the specific situation of the Spirit Blood Clan, so I can't explain it to you."

Qi Rongyue on the side smiled and said: "I do know something. Back then, your master and I traveled all over the world to save a seriously injured man in the South China Sea. At that time, the medicine that my master and I brought was almost exhausted, and there were no medicine shops around us. I had no choice but to go to the mountains to collect herbs. Who knows that the weather was not good that day. Before the herbs were collected in the mountains, there was a thunderstorm. My master and I walked around in the forest to avoid thunder and lightning. Later, we lost our way and entered the forest by mistake. A secret place, it seems to be a paradise forgotten by the world, most of the people living there have never left their hometown, and they don’t know that there is another world at the end of the forest.”

"Our arrival not only excited them, but also worried them. They were eager to know what happened in the outside world, but they were afraid that their peaceful life would be broken."

"At that time, we were facing danger. They gave us two choices, either to stay and become a member of the Spirit Blood Race, or to become a dead person, a dead person who will never reveal the secret."

"We are alone and weak. In order to survive, we can only temporarily choose the first road and choose to stay. They don't trust us and send people to guard us every day. We are more like prisoners. You can't go anywhere in that yard until the patriarch's son suddenly becomes seriously ill and is in critical condition."

"So our opportunity to escape came. After the master's hard lobbying, the patriarch finally agreed to let us go to the mountains to collect medicine and treat his son's illness. Of course, he sent ten clansmen with strong martial arts to follow us, afraid that we would Take the opportunity to escape."

"Although those people are strong in martial arts, they don't know medicine. My master and I searched for a few herbs in the mountains that can be made into powerful drugs. When we were resting, we mixed the herbs into the food they ate, and we were able to escape. , the master left a prescription to treat the patriarch's son's illness, and asked them to make the medicine themselves, which are common and easy-to-find medicines, and whether that person survives in the end is his fate."

"During the few days we lived in the Spirit Blood Race, we found that these Spirit Blood Race people were different from us ordinary people. They never drank water, only drank animal blood. They only practiced at night. They generally had a cruel and cruel personality. My master and I died only because we are doctors, and there is a shortage of doctors in their clan."

(End of this chapter)

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