Chapter 1674

Chapter 1692

Ms. Peng's complexion suddenly changed, she slapped the table and got up, angrily said: "You did it on purpose? Are you looking down on our Peng family?"

Shopkeeper Yu said: "Miss Peng, please calm down, Xiao Lao opens the door to do business, but anyone who enters our Tianyi Pavilion will never look down on them. The reason why this dress cannot be sold to Miss Peng is because The clothes already have an owner, Xiao Lao is a businessman, and he sells one item at a time. This is the rule. Since the rules are in place, there is no reason to break the rules. I hope Miss Xi Haihan." Miss Zhao said: "Then why not? How about another one?"

Shopkeeper Yu said: "To tell you the truth, this piece of cloth that I like to eat is woven with cloud silk. It took me three months to weave this piece of cloth, and there is not even a single piece of cloud silk left. The little old man just wanted to do it." Miss made this dress, but she was powerless."

Speaking of cloud silk, how could Ms. Peng and Ms. Zhao, who are aristocratic ladies, not know that this kind of thing is more expensive than gold, and even if you have money, you can't buy it. Even the empresses in the palace are not so lucky. Can wear one.

Ms. Peng likes this dress even more. With her status, the person she is going to marry is the heir of the Marquis of Wenchang. With such honor, of course it should be matched with cloud silk.

She reached out to snatch the bundle from shopkeeper Yu's hand: "I'm going to order this wedding dress."

Shopkeeper Yu didn't notice for a while, and let her snatch it away. He never thought that the dignified lady of the Peng family would do such an inappropriate thing, and he was furious: "Miss Peng, what are you doing? "

Ms. Peng sneered: "What are you doing? Of course I want to buy something from you. Why? Are you afraid I won't be able to pay the money?"

Shopkeeper Yu also sneered. He had been polite to her before, and kept some harsh words from his mouth. He didn't expect her to be such a woman who disregarded her status.

"Miss Peng, let's be honest, you really can't afford this dress."

These words were like a loud slap in the face, which slapped Ms. Peng fiercely on the face, causing her burning pain. She was full of shame and anger, and pointed at Shopkeeper Yu and said, "You, how dare you do this?" Insult me, insult our Peng family, well, tell me how much this dress is worth."

Shopkeeper Yu stretched out five fingers.

Miss Zhao hurriedly said, "500 taels?"

Shopkeeper Yu shook his head.

Ms. Zhao guessed again: "5000 taels?"

Shopkeeper Yu shook his head again.

This time, Ms. Peng's face became more and more suspicious: "Could it be that there is another 5 taels?"

Shopkeeper Yu said: "It's not 5 taels, but 50 taels. You know, it took 40 taels of cloud silk alone to buy it, plus three months of work and fine weaving. It costs more than 10 taels to go to Tianyi Pavilion to make fine embroidery, I said 50 taels, and I said it was less."

If it was only 5 taels, the Peng family gritted their teeth and might be able to buy something for her, but if it was 50 taels, even if the Peng family had the money, it would be impossible to use it to buy her a wedding dress.

Ms. Peng said: "It's up to you to decide how much the price is. You can say 100 million taels tomorrow, but who knows what's going on? Besides, there are many rich people in the capital city, but who owns it?" Would you spend 50 taels to order a wedding dress?"

Shopkeeper Yu snatched the wedding dress from Ms. Peng's hands, and said unhurriedly: "The one who ordered this wedding dress is my young master."

Everyone in the world knows that Tianyi Pavilion is the property of the Wan family. Now the head of the Wan family is Wan Kun, a boy who is not yet 16 years old. Floor, already the richest son known to everyone in the Chu Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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