Chapter 1675

Chapter 1693

Since he took over Wan's business a year ago, Wan's family has grown to a higher level, and he is already the richest son known to everyone in the Chu Dynasty.

To him, a mere 50 taels was not even a drop in the bucket.

But as far as the Peng family is concerned, it is a big number among big numbers.

Mr. Wan is the richest man in the Chu Dynasty, and his every move naturally attracts attention. Although the two ladies live in deep boudoirs, they have channels to know all kinds of gossip in the capital city, but they have never heard of Mr. Wan's engagement.

Miss Zhao asked: "Which family's daughter is the girl who wants to marry Mr. Wan?"

Shopkeeper Yu shook his head: "I have already said everything I can say. We are servants about the matter of the master. We are not good at lying behind our backs. Please be considerate of the two ladies." Shopkeeper Yu's patience was almost exhausted by these two people. Well, if it wasn't for the sake of looking at their father, he should have kicked them out now.

Ms. Peng is very unwilling, but what can I do?The clothes are worth 50 taels, but the sum of all her dowry may not exceed 2 taels.

The smile on shopkeeper Yu's face had faded at this time, he looked at the two ladies with a faint expression, and said, "Do you want to see other clothes? A new batch of materials arrived yesterday, and the embroiderers also have some clothes recently. If you two want to see the new pattern, I will send someone to fetch it right away."

The two of them are still in the mood to look around, they just want to get out of here quickly, every time they look at Xifu, they feel like being slapped severely, maybe they shouldn't be here today at all.

Miss Zhao hurriedly said: "No need, it's getting late, we should go back, next time when new ingredients arrive, we'll come back."

Naturally, I will come again. The clothes of Tianyi Pavilion not only represent the current beauty of the capital city, but also represent an identity. Only those who squeeze into the upper class can afford the clothes of Tianyi Pavilion. Such a face, no one would not want this face.

Shopkeeper Yu sent the two of them out, watched the two get into the carriage, then watched the carriage slowly leave, and finally disappeared from sight, his face finally showed contempt, anyone is qualified to wear clouds and silk ?

Ms. Zhao and Ms. Peng sat in the carriage, looking at the passers-by coming and going outside the window, both of them looked listless.

Miss Peng suddenly asked Miss Zhao, "Have you heard about Mr. Wan's marriage?"

Ms. Zhao shook her head: "I've never heard of it. It is said that if a person like him wants to get married, how could there be no news in the capital city."

"Who is the one who will be lucky enough to marry Mr. Wan?" They have all met Mr. Wan. In one year, Wan's business has grown to a higher level, and he has also become the richest man in the Chu Dynasty. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as rich as an enemy.

The Chu Dynasty favored merchants. If he was just a merchant, no matter how much money he had, he would not be too enviable. The difficulty lies in that their Wanjia is not only engaged in business, but also holds the world's intelligence network. Where there is business, there are loyal eyes and ears of the Wan family. No matter what they want to know, they can get the most accurate answer at the fastest speed and send it to Wan Kun's hands at the fastest speed.

But now, this intelligence network has been used by the emperor, that is to say, the Wan family is not only a businessman, but also works for the emperor, and maybe one day they will be named marquises.

(End of this chapter)

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