Chapter 1676

Chapter 1694

Moreover, there are no parents-in-law in the Wan Family Mansion, only Wan Kun is the master. Once married into the Wan Mansion, he will be the mistress immediately, and he doesn't have to serve his in-laws.
Ms. Zhao thought and thought, but she really couldn't think of a person like Wan Kun who would marry the daughter of a family.

But the girl next to Ms. Zhao interjected: "Miss, the second young master seemed to mention it when he chatted with the elder uncle last time. The second young master said that Wan Gongzi is indifferent by nature, and there is not even a servant girl in his dormitory." Not at all, and even maidservants are not allowed to enter his dormitory half a step, and only let his personal servants serve him."

Miss Peng interjected, "Could it be that Mr. Wan has some hidden disease? At his age, who doesn't have two servants in his room?"

Miss Zhao asked the servant girl, "Go ahead."

The servant girl said: "Second Young Master also said that Young Master Wan has only had one girl by his side since he was a child."

Ms. Peng and Ms. Zhao regained their spirits immediately, and stared at the maid: "Say it quickly, who is it?"

The servant girl said: "It's the Princess Changle who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace. Everyone in the capital knows that the Princess is urinating and lives in Wanfu to study art. She and Mr. Wan can be regarded as childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts."

When it comes to Princess Changle, the faces of the two of them changed. If all the noble ladies in the capital city have a common enemy, then this person must be Princess Changle.

Wherever Princess Changle is present, no matter how you dress up these noble girls, they will lose their color around her, and the eyes of those young heroes will never stay on them.

Therefore, in the capital city, Princess Changle did not have a real handkerchief at all, and no noble daughter of any family wanted to make friends with her, even if she met on the street, she would just walk around.

"But I heard that Princess Changle and Prince Jiao of the Zhou Dynasty, oh no, it is Prince Jiao now, and the relationship is very unusual. Prince Jiao also asked the side-by-side king and princess to marry Princess Changle, but was rejected by the princess and the prince. He refused on the grounds that the Princess is still young."

"Of course I will refuse. Princess Changle is the one on the cusp of the prince and the princess. How could she let her marry far away? In this way, Mr. Wan is really the right candidate. The two families have a deep relationship and are childhood sweethearts. grow up together."

A smile appeared on Ms. Zhao's face: "It's a great thing for her to get married. These noble sons in our capital city can finally give up."

Miss Peng looked up at her and said with a smile, "You mean Yin Zhuangyuan, right?"

Miss Zhao's face was flushed, and she said coquettishly: "What are you talking about, sister, don't talk nonsense."

Ms. Peng was overjoyed: "I'm talking nonsense? Am I talking nonsense? You know it in your heart, but to be honest, I don't think Changle Princess is anything to be afraid of. After all, she and Yin Zhuangyuan have nothing to do with each other, and she is a threat to you." , is his cousin, Yin Mingzhu, I heard that this Yin Mingzhu runs to Yin Zhuangyuan's side every three days, and the meaning is very obvious."

The smile on Ms. Zhao's face gradually subsided, showing bitterness: "So what? Yin Mingzhu is also surnamed Yin, she is qualified to find him, but I am not."

Ms. Peng looked proudly at Zhao Suying, who was as lost as a kitten abandoned by her owner: "You have to fight for the opportunity yourself. You can't win it by yourself. No, I won it for you. It's not too soon." Thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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