Chapter 1677

Chapter 1695

Three days later, Wenchang Hou Mansion.

Yin Mingzhu came to Yin Shuwei's residence excitedly early in the morning. Yin Shuwei is the eldest grandson of the second room. Although the first room and the second room have not been separated, they live in separate rooms. There is a wall between the first room and the second room, and a moon door is opened in the middle for the convenience of people from the two rooms.

Yin Mingzhu's mother and the current Marquis Wenchang are brothers and sisters of the same mother. They were originally married to a noble clan, but unfortunately their fate was not good. The man died when she was pregnant with Mingzhu in her belly. At that time, Miss Yin's father was still Lord Hou, and her elder brother was the eldest son. She felt sorry for this daughter, so she ignored the opposition of the elders in the clan and left their mother and daughter behind. The later Mingzhu took Yin's surname and was raised as a young lady of Yin's family.

Yin Shuwei was painting in the study room. Seeing Yin Mingzhu barging in without even making a notification, he was very displeased. He hurriedly put away the unfinished scroll and asked calmly, "Is there something wrong?"

Yin Mingzhu acted as if she didn't see his gloomy face, and said with a smile: "Cousin, today Zuo Chancellor Peng's family held a chrysanthemum appreciation banquet, and they said they invited all the princes and ladies in the capital city. Cousin will also go?"

Yin Shuwei has never been interested in this kind of banquet, and was about to shake his head, but Yin Mingzhu said again: "Cousin, I went to Tianyi Pavilion two days ago, guess who I saw?"

Yin Shuwei raised his eyebrows: "Who did you see?"

"I saw Princess Changle, she seems to have gone to Tianyi Pavilion to buy clothes."

Yin Shuwei's dim eyes shone with light: "She also went to Tianyi Pavilion to buy clothes? Did she go alone?"

Yin Mingzhu shook her head: "No, she went with Mr. Wan. The two of them seem to have an unusual relationship."

Yeah, certainly not unusual, they always have.

Yin Shuwei sighed in his heart, and heard Yin Mingzhu say, "I don't know if Princess Changle will go today."

Yin Shuwei's heart moved, will she go?
She has been side by side with the palace, if he wants to see her, he can go to the palace to meet her openly, but he dare not and has no face to see her.

He wanted to see her, but didn't dare to see her, so he could only sneak a glance at her occasionally, but if she went to Peng's house today, and he also went, it would be a chance encounter, even if he didn't speak, even if he didn't stand in front of her, he At least get closer to her.

Side by side with the palace
Zheng Nianwen wore a goose-yellow hibiscus embroidered double-breasted long man, with a light green beaded Ruyi girdle around his waist, a light pink smoked tulle over his head, and a Lingyun bun that is popular nowadays, with a slightly thin face. Fen, the eyebrows and eyes that were originally very delicate, looked even more glorious at this moment, and even her mother was not willing to look away after seeing it.

Looking at her daughter's outfit, Qi Rongyue was a little curious: "Wen'er, don't you always dislike attending such boring parties?"

Lianwen sighed softly: "I don't like it, but I always go out these few days. Wan Kun has already delayed a lot of things in order to accompany me. I can't let him accompany me all day. I have to find some fun by myself."

Although Nianwen likes to play, she doesn't want to run out all day. As a mother, how can she not know what she thinks in her heart? It's just that she doesn't want to stay in the mansion and be entangled by Yuntian, so she runs out when she sees the sky, but It's just to avoid the sky.

"Even so, there's no need for you to dress up like this. If you stop in the back garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion, will the other girls survive?" Qi Rongyue chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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