Chapter 1678

Chapter 1696

Nian Wen chuckled: "Mum also knows, I've never been too fussy about this, but if some people just want to trouble me, I'm not a timid person."

Although she doesn't have much contact with these noble ladies in the capital city, some gossips will always reach her ears. Since she has heard it, she can't pretend that she didn't hear it.

Since they have falsely accused her of some things that she never did, they might as well just sit down and avoid being wronged.

Didn't they say that she is a majestic princess but prefers to be jealous? Every day at the banquet, she always shows off her beautiful clothes, and then uses her status as a princess to oppress others, so that they, the noble girls with lower status, can't lift their heads. She bullied others, saying that she was proud of her beauty.

Then she will let them take a good look today, what is real beauty, what is real bullying by the strong, and what is being proud of beauty.

Her daughter has always done things properly, Rong Yue is not very worried, she can go out to play as long as she wants, it's no big deal, it's okay to bully those double-faced gossips who like to spread rumors behind their backs occasionally.

"Okay, you go, I'll let Bing'er go with you." Bing'er has been with her for more than ten years. If you can help her, teach those who Wen'er wants to teach a lesson even worse. If you want to beat them, you have to beat them painfully, otherwise, they won't be able to remember.

It doesn't matter to Wen'er, Aunt Bing'er has brought her since she was a child, and she is closer than a nurse. It is better for her to be by her side than those aunts who can't talk.

Left Prime Minister Peng's Mansion
The servant girl hastily ran into the upper room of Huanrongju, and said to Mrs. He, Mrs. Zuo Xiang: "Ma'am, the princess is here."

Mrs. He was drinking tea and gossiping with a few noble ladies in the capital. After hearing the maid's report, she immediately frowned: "What are you doing in such a panic? Tell me clearly, which princess is here?"

The servant girl hurriedly said: "Ma'am, she is the princess of Changle who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace!"

Hearing this, the wives present were all upset, and stared at Mrs. He with displeased eyes: "Sister, how could you invite Princess Changle to come here on a day like this? What kind of person is she?" Still not clear? With her here, can the eyes of the princes and princes in the capital look at the ladies again?"

"That's right, my sister's handling of this matter is too unreasonable. It doesn't matter if your Linlang is engaged, but our girls haven't been found yet. This will bring Princess Changle over, isn't it clear? Was it dismantled?"

They will never forget that the Princess of Changle Jiji, and the Jiji ceremony was held in the palace that year, and all their wives have gone, and the Princess of Changle appeared in front of them like a fairy descending from the mortal world. Who can see other girls in their eyes?
Besides, the limelight of being shoulder to shoulder with the palace is unmatched by all of them combined.

But whoever has a son, who doesn't want to get married with the side-by-side palace?It's really a family with thousands of daughters.

Mrs. He really died of injustice, "I didn't know she would come. Usually, when everyone holds a banquet, they will hand over the invitations to the palace. Haven't you handed them over? I haven't seen her participate in it before. I don't know if it's a draw today." What kind of wind is here, and I just found out about it, not earlier than you."

(End of this chapter)

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