Chapter 1679

Chapter 1697

Only then did the wives fall silent, and what they said was true. In the past, when their family held a banquet, they also handed over posts to the palace, but they didn't care about going, and they didn't really invite them.

It's already here, so what else is there to say, Mrs. He hurriedly got up and went out to greet her. After all, she is the princess. Even if she has a rank, she is still short in front of others. They naturally have this advantage.

All the wives present also got up one after another, and went outside with Mrs. He. This is the reason why they don't like Princess Changle. Her arrival may not bring any glory to the master's family, but will only cause trouble. .

Another maid ran into the garden. Peng Linlang was admiring the flowers in the garden with her little sisters. Seeing the maid running out of breath, she quickly asked, "What's the matter? You're so flustered."

The servant girl said: "Madam, Madam, she—"

Peng Linlang's complexion changed drastically, and she asked urgently, "What's wrong with Madam? What happened to Madam?"

Only now did the servant girl catch her breath, and hurriedly said: "It's not that something happened to Madam, it's Madam who asked the servant to come and tell Miss that the princess is here, and I want you to go to Huanrongju to see the ceremony."

Miss Sun, who was standing beside Peng Linlang, hurriedly said, "The princess you are talking about is not the princess of Changle, is it?"

The servant girl nodded, "It's Princess Changle, she, she's already in Huanrong Residence, miss, hurry up."

Sun Pianpian's delicate brows immediately twisted into twists, and she glared at Peng Linlang dissatisfiedly: "Linlang, what's the matter with you? How can you invite her here? She's here, can we still have it?"

Peng Linlang gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't invite her at all. I don't know what's wrong. No, I have to ask my mother." Peng Linlang left in a hurry.

Zhao Suying tugged at Sun Pianpian's sleeve: "It's not Lin Lang's fault, this banquet was organized by Madam He, it's not up to Lin Lang to decide who to invite."

Sun Pianpian sighed, and her eyes were full of resentment: "I also made a slip of the tongue for a while, and I really can't blame Linlang for this matter. I just think of what happened to my sister, and I feel unhappy."

Zhao Suying looked puzzled: "Your sister? You mean the concubine Xian Guanghou who has cut off contact with your grandson's family?"

Sun Pianpian curled her lips: "What kind of concubine is it called? The prince is gone. What's the point of having the title of concubine?"

Zhao Suying was full of curiosity: "I heard that Prince Xian Guanghou died because of Princess Changle? Is this true?"

This is the last thing Sun Pianpian wanted to mention at first. She is also the daughter of the Hou family. Before that, her sister married the son of Xian Guanghou, and later Xian Guanghou became a big man in the capital. Her status as a daughter also increased accordingly. I thought Their grandson's family will be able to flourish in this way.

But who knows, Xian Guanghou suddenly rebelled. . .Rebellion is rebellion, if the brother-in-law can sit on the throne of the emperor, she is the queen's sister. . .But who knows, the rebellion failed. In order to save Princess Changle, my brother-in-law used his body to block the sharp arrow that was shot at the princess, and exchanged his life for the princess.

However, it was also because he saved the Princess at the last moment that the Shangguan Mansion survived, and the only child of her sister and brother-in-law survived.

But because of this, in order to protect himself, his father had to break off his relationship with his sister.

And the source of all this is Zheng Nianwen's fault. If her brother-in-law hadn't been obsessed with her, maybe the rebellion would have been successful?

(End of this chapter)

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