Chapter 1684

Chapter 1702

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "I usually don't like to attend such banquets, and today I'm bored, I have nothing to do, so I came here, why, you don't want me to come?" A fool can see the hostility in Yin Mingzhu's eyes.

Yin Mingzhu shook her head: "How come, it is Mingzhu's honor to meet the princess here, but Mingzhu didn't expect that the princess is so familiar with her cousin." She said that day that she and her cousin were in Jincheng two years ago. She had met her before, she thought it was just for politeness, and even if she had met, it was probably just a one-sided relationship, but she never thought that she was so familiar, so familiar, which made people jealous.

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "Your cousin and I don't know each other, and my uncle and my father are also close friends, so it's reasonable for us to know each other well."

Yin Mingzhu looked at the gorgeous clothes on her body and said: "The clothes worn by the princess today are really eye-opening. I'm afraid this is the only one in the capital city. Could it be that it was the last time I went to heaven with Mr. Wan?" Tailored by the wardrobe?"

When she said this, she glanced at her cousin, and sure enough, her cousin's smiling face immediately sank three points.

He read the text but still had a calm expression on his face: "This dress was given to me by my mother, but it was indeed cut by Tianyi Pavilion."

Zhao Suying waited for a long time, and finally waited for her chance to intervene. She hurriedly stepped forward and moved to Yin Mingzhu's side. At this moment, she should be standing with Yin Mingzhu.

"I heard that the two best embroiderers in Tianyi Pavilion do embroidery work for the Princess every day. Mr. Wan is really generous, and he is really kind to the Princess."

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, Wan Kun is indeed very generous, but you are wrong, there are not two embroiderers, but eight."

Zhao Suying glanced at Yin Shuwei, and she saw that his face was a little gloomy, and she was in a better mood, so naturally she refused to let go of this opportunity, and then said: "I went to Tianyi Pavilion with my sister Peng that day, just in time I saw shopkeeper Yu holding a cloud silk wedding gown, which he said was made by Mr. Wan, it is really extremely gorgeous, even the empress's wedding gown is nothing more than this."

The eyes that read the text were cold for three days, and she looked at Zhao Suying fixedly: "So, have you seen the empress's wedding dress?"

Zhao Suying was taken aback: "No, I haven't seen it."

"Since I haven't seen it before, how do I know that the empress's wedding dress is not as good as that wedding dress?" The voice of the reading was also a little cold, and anyone could hear her displeasure.

Zhao Suying knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and was about to make it up, but she heard Zheng Nianwen say again: "As a young lady of the Shangshufu, you can speak so freely. Didn't your parents teach you that illness comes from the mouth, and disaster comes from the mouth?" Reason?"

Zhao Suying was reprimanded by Zheng Nianwen, and her eyes immediately turned red, tears of grievance kept rolling in her eyes, she said in a low voice: "I, I didn't mean that."

"It doesn't mean that, what does that mean?" Zheng Nianwen asked back, with a stern look in his eyes: "What exactly do you want to say? Why don't you just say it directly? Wouldn't it be fun? Why bother beating around the bush like this?"

"I, I, I didn't want to say anything, I, I really didn't mean anything else, I—" She turned to look at Yin Shuwei, with a pitiful look on her face, as if someone had bullied her.

Yin Shuwei was present at the scene from the beginning to the end, and he could hear the conversation between them clearly. There was indeed something wrong with Zhao Suying's words, and she meant nothing badly. Of course, he didn't like such a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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