Chapter 1685

Chapter 1703

"Miss Zhao, you should pay more attention to your words in the future. It's not that you can say anything casually, that is, the princess is kind-hearted and doesn't care about it with you. If it is someone else, just rely on what you said just now, that is to the empress. crime of disrespect."

Zhao Suying's face turned pale, and Yin Mingzhu's complexion was not very good-looking either. She obviously felt dissatisfied in her cousin's gaze, and obviously knew that she was deliberately provoking trouble just now.

Lianwen didn't want to entangle the two of them anymore, it didn't make much sense, so he said to Yin Shuwei: "I'm a little thirsty, there is a gazebo over there, let's sit and talk."

Yin Shuwei also had this intention, so he nodded and turned to leave together.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the gazebo, he heard a splash from behind, like the sound of a heavy object falling into the water.

Then someone screamed: "Someone fell into the water, someone fell into the water, save someone—"

The two turned around, only to see that there was only one person left of the two who were standing by the lotus pond.

Yin Mingzhu was nowhere to be seen, but her maid was screaming by the pool.

Nian Wen and Yin Shuwei ran over in a hurry, and from a distance they saw Yin Mingzhu's body struggling in the water, sinking continuously, only a few strands of hair floating on the water surface, and palms constantly flapping.

Yin Shuwei didn't know how to swim, so he didn't dare to jump down casually, so he could only yell at the servants who rushed over: "Hurry up, save people!"

These servants are all girls, none of them can swim, and none of them dare to jump down to save their lives.

Originally, on such an occasion, Nian Wen, as the princess, really shouldn't go into the water, but seeing that the man is almost gone, and if he doesn't save him, it will be too late.

She didn't care about that much anymore, she plunged into the water, grabbed the sinking hand, and pulled her back to the shore.

She has excellent water skills and enough strength. It took only a blink of an eye to rescue Yin Mingzhu, and she was already ashore before everyone could react.

The two women were soaked through and dressed very thinly. This appearance was really indecent.

Yin Shuwei came back to his senses and saw the men who came to the banquet rushing this way, he quickly took off his burqa and put it on Zheng Nianwen: "Thank you very much, go to the inner courtyard quickly and change into clothes. "

The ice girl had this intention, and after thanking Yin Shuwei, she quickly pulled the princess away, so as not to be stunned by those men who looked so embarrassed.

When everyone arrived, Yin Mingzhu was also taken away by the maid. The big guy didn't even figure out what was going on, and the scene was over.

Miss Peng squeezed to the front and asked Yin Shuwei, "What happened just now? Who fell into the water?"

Yin Shuwei glanced sideways at Zhao Suying, his eyes were extraordinarily cold: "Ask her, and leave."

Yin Shuwei took the servant out of the garden, but he didn't leave in a hurry, but waited at the corner outside the gate of Peng's mansion, and he would come out after a while, and he stayed here, and he would definitely see her again.

Sure enough, after a while, Nianwen and Aunt Bing walked out quickly, she changed into clean clothes, but her hair was still wet, her complexion was very bad, she was obviously angry.

As soon as he came out of the corner, Nian Wen had already got into the carriage, and the carriage sped away in front of his eyes, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

In Peng's mansion, Zhao Suying was brought by her mother in front of Madam Peng. After all, when such a thing happened, there must always be an explanation, and it cannot be treated as nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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