Chapter 1686

Chapter 1704

After all, the person who fell into the water was not an unknown girl, but a young lady from the Marquis of Wenchang.

"Ying'er, what happened just now, and why Miss Yin fell into the water, explain all these clearly to Mrs. Peng." Mrs. Zhao stared at her daughter, nodded to her, and signaled her not to say anything wrong, just Say it like you taught her earlier.

Although it had been a long time since the incident, Zhao Suying's face was still frighteningly pale. She had never seen such a scene.

"I met Mr. Yin by the lotus pond earlier, and I talked to him a few words. Yin Xiaoming rushed out suddenly, saying that he wanted to take Mr. Yin to see the princess, but Mr. Yin refused. After a while, the princess came over by himself. Well, the two were old acquaintances, so they talked for a while by the pool, I don't know if what they said offended Miss Yin, after they left, Miss Yin took her temper on me, I didn't want to talk to her, But she held on to me, blaming me for wearing a slippery brocade dress today, the material was too slippery, maybe she missed it, and accidentally fell into the pool, I wanted to save her at the time, but I couldn't swim Afraid that something bad would happen if she went into the water, she called the servants of the mansion to rescue her."

Mrs. Peng nodded: "You're right. If you don't know how to swim, you can't go into the water casually. Not only can you not save people, but you will put yourself in a dangerous situation."

Zhao Suying said, "I thought the same way, so I didn't go into the water, because I was afraid that Ms. Yin would misunderstand that I would die."

Mrs. Peng waved her hand: "Probably not. Isn't Mr. Yin's family here? He didn't even enter the water. Could it be that you are a weak woman?"

Mrs. Zhao said in a strange way: "I don't know what Mr. Yin and the princess said to make Miss Yin so angry. Fortunately, she fell into the water by herself. If my family Ying'er is involved, I will not let her go. "

Mrs. Peng raised her eyelids to look at Mrs. Zhao, thinking that if you don't let her go, what else can you do to her?Although she is not Miss Zhengjing of the Yin family, she is not far from Miss Zhengjing. With the old Hou Ye and Hou Ye protecting her, what can you do with her as a mere Shangshufu?

After Madam Zhao finished speaking, she knew that she had said the wrong thing. The Madam Peng in front of her was about to marry the Yin family soon, but she spoke like this. Isn't this slapping Madam Peng in the face.

She laughed dryly, and said to Mrs. Peng: "I just said something angry, how can I really embarrass Miss Yin, besides, it's normal for this little girl to quarrel, we are elders, I can only persuade you more, it's not easy to stand up to the younger generation with an old face."

Hearing this, Mrs. Peng was even more displeased. She thought that Mrs. Zhao looked very shrewd, but why she was so confused when she spoke. I don't know if Miss Zhao is as virtuous as her mother. You should tell Lin Lang not to associate with her so as not to affect Lin Lang.

Mrs. Peng said: "This matter has not been investigated yet. It is too early to say whether it is embarrassing or not."

Mrs. Peng thought to herself: Maybe it was Miss Zhao from your family who pushed Miss Yin?Then this is not a matter of whether you make it difficult or not for others, but a matter of whether they want to settle accounts with your Zhao family.

In the final analysis, this matter happened in Peng's house, and their Peng's house is also responsible. It would be the best if they can persuade the two to make peace. If not, she can only choose one side.

The ninth day of next month will be Lin Lang and Yin Shizi's big day. Their Peng family will marry Yin's family, and it is already obvious which side they want to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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