Chapter 1687

Chapter 1705

Mrs. Peng said to the maid beside her, "How is Miss Yin doing now?"

The maid hurriedly replied: "Mrs., I have invited the doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor said that Miss Yin's body is fine, but she just got cold and frightened and needs to rest."

Mrs. Peng nodded: "That's right. If it was me, I'm afraid I would have fainted from fright. Since Miss Yin needs to rest, then go and bring her maid. The maid was there at the time, so she should know what happened at that time."

The maid responded, Madam Zhao was a little restless, she looked at Madam Peng and said, "Maidmaids are naturally protecting the lord, and it's normal to defend the lord when something like this happens, even if we say something bad, we won't Will argue with her."

Mrs. Peng glanced at her with a half-smile, but didn't answer. There's no point in answering such words. The truth will be revealed soon.

After a while, Yin Mingzhu's maid was sent to Huanrong Residence. The maid was quite calm, but when she looked at Zhao Suying, she was quite resentful.

Mrs. Peng asked: "How did your young lady fall into the water at that time? Tell me in detail."

The maid just waited for this opportunity, "Back to Mrs. Peng, my lady was talking to Miss Zhao at the time, and Miss Zhao said that she said that the princess is shameless, stepping on two boats, and that all men are virtuous, and that my son is superficial and sentimental." , my lady couldn't hear it, so she argued with her. The lady said that she was going to go to the princess, and told the princess what she cursed. She is also very petite, how could she beat Ms. Zhao, before I could help her, my young lady was pushed off the lotus pond by Ms. Zhao."

It's an exaggeration to say that she was pushed down, at most, she was accidentally pulled down, but she couldn't feel angry. Miss Zhao's current appearance was caused by Miss Zhao, so she naturally wanted to make the matter more serious.

Zhao Suying was trembling with anger, pointed at the servant girl and said: "You are talking nonsense, when did I push past your lady? You don't want to talk nonsense here."

Mrs. Zhao was also very angry, she got up and rushed to the servant girl, raised her hand and slapped the servant girl: "You poor servant girl, how dare you slander my son so unreasonably, if you dare to speak nonsense again, I will tear your mouth to pieces."

Mrs. Zhao's move, not to mention the maid was stunned, even Mrs. Peng was also stunned. Who would have thought that she would suddenly rush up to make a move.

After Mrs. Peng came back to her senses, she immediately darkened her face, and said displeasedly: "Mrs. Zhao, don't forget that this is the Peng Mansion, not your Zhao Mansion, the servant girl of the Yin family, not to mention you, or me, or you. Not qualified to teach."

Mrs. Zhao snorted coldly: "Such a slave who speaks so much nonsense, a slap is considered light. If she were in our real family, if she dared to speak like this, she would be dragged out and killed with a stick."

Mrs. Peng's voice became colder and colder: "You also know that this is not in your Zhao family, Mrs. Zhao, I'm afraid it's up to you to decide whether she is lying or not."

Mrs. Zhao finally understands that Mrs. Peng is determined to stand on the side of the Yin family. Also, their Peng family is about to marry the Yin family. Naturally, they want to stand on the side of the Yin family. How could they offend them? The Yin family came to help the Zhao family.

Mrs. Zhao said: "That's right, it doesn't count if I say it, but it doesn't count if she says it. It's understandable for a slave to protect the master, to tell a few lies, to defend the master."

(End of this chapter)

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