Chapter 1688

Chapter 1706

The servant girl was slapped, and her heart was full of anger. It was because she, the servant girl, didn't protect her well when she fell into the water. She might be punished after returning to the mansion. Mrs. Zhao cleaned up first, how could she bear this bad breath.

She raised her voice and said, "Since Mrs. Zhao doesn't want to admit it, well, I'll go to the side-by-side palace and ask the Princess to be fair."

Mrs. Zhao's complexion changed immediately. She is the wife of the Shangshu Mansion, and Mrs. Peng is the wife of the Prime Minister. Although she is a senior official, she is not too overwhelming. It is the Hou Mansion, and it has some power, but Yin Mingzhu is not a serious lady of the Yin family after all. Even if she suffers some grievances here, it is impossible for the Yin family to tear up her face for her and the Shangshu Mansion, so she is not afraid, so she dares Beating the servants so arrogantly in front of Mrs. Peng.

But at this time, the little servant moved out was Princess Changle, who stood shoulder to shoulder with the palace, and she was someone she couldn't afford to offend.

The person whom the emperor holds dear, she is a little Mrs. Shangshu, she is not even a fart in front of her.

As long as the side-by-side king says a word, her master can immediately take off his black hat and take the family back to the hometown to farm.

Besides, she didn't know whether Ying'er said the words that insulted the princess and Mr. Yin.

If you really say it, you will be in big trouble.

Mrs. Peng was also afraid that this matter would make a big fuss, so she hurriedly said to the servant girl: "The princess may also catch a cold today, so it might be inappropriate for you to disturb her now."

Mrs. Zhao nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, the princess may be sick from the cold to save your young lady, and you still go to her. Be careful, the prince and the princess have sent you."

Mrs. Peng glanced at Mrs. Zhao calmly. This woman's words are becoming more and more outrageous. It seems that it is not surprising that Zhao Suying can say that kind of words.

Like a mother, like a daughter.

"Mrs. Zhao, be careful, the prince and the princess are kind-hearted, when did they offend others for no reason? Don't talk nonsense here, and then you will make others suffer with you."

Mrs. Peng's tone was quite cold, she didn't even have a smirk, and her expression was sharp.

The servant girl also saw that Mrs. Peng intended to mediate and was willing to help herself, so she boldly said: "The princess is kind-hearted, seeing my young lady falling into the water, she jumped into the water to rescue my young lady without saying a word. My young lady is fine, otherwise, this incident of falling into the water might not be what people say."

Mrs. Zhao wanted to refute again, but Mrs. Peng cut her off and said, "I've figured it out. Ms. Yin's falling into the water today has nothing to do with Ms. Zhao anyway. As for whether it was intentional or not, I'll tell you I believe that Ms. Zhao didn't mean it, since everyone is fine, let's expose it and let Ms. Zhao go to accompany Ms. Yin, how about it?" She said this to the servant girl, but her eyes were on Mrs. Zhao.

Although Mrs. Zhao's words are a bit out of character, she is not a fool after all. She naturally understands the consequences of making a big fuss. It is difficult to solve it quietly, which is naturally the best.
So he said to Zhao Suying, "Did you hear Mrs. Peng's words?"

Zhao Suying nodded with a pale face: "I heard."

"Since I heard it, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and apologize to Ms. Yin." She said sharply, with a look of color on her face, she didn't know who she was doing it for.

Mrs. Peng doesn't want to see her for a moment now.

(End of this chapter)

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