Chapter 1689

Chapter 1707

"No need." Qingyue's male voice sounded from the hall door.

Yin Shizi strode in, glanced at Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Suying indifferently, and then cupped his hands at Mrs. Peng who was sitting on the upper seat: "Ma'am!"

Mrs. Peng saw her prospective son-in-law coming, she quickly forced a smile on her face, and said to the maid beside her, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and make tea for the son-in-law, the Dragon Well that the emperor rewarded last month is very good."

Yin Shizi waved his hand: "No need, I will leave after a few words with Mrs. Zhao." After saying that, he turned to Mrs. Zhao and said, "There is no need to apologize. Our Yin family can't afford it. The lady of the Zhao family is so capable. It's really eye-opening, such a rich lady is the only one in our capital city."

Mrs. Zhao's complexion is particularly exciting, but she is not easy to get angry with him, and the smile on her face is also very reluctant: "Where did you start with Mr. Yin, my family Suying is shy and cowardly, how can I compare with Miss Yin's generosity and decency?" Even if she sees the ants on the ground, she still wants to go around, and today's matter, I think the prince has misunderstood."

Yin Shizi said: "Is it a misunderstanding? You and I know very well in our hearts that this matter has become a big deal, and it is not good for anyone. I don't intend to pursue it. I also invite Miss Zhao to do it for myself. The same thing, please don't If you do it a second time, I'm afraid you may not have such good luck next time."

After Yin Shizi finished speaking, he bowed his hands to the superior Mrs. Peng: "Farewell!" Even if he was facing Mrs. Peng, Yin Shizi's complexion was very bad.

It is impossible for him not to know about the friendship between Peng Linlang and Zhao Suying. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. What kind of thing will stay with that kind of person. Zhao Suying is so vicious, so I want to make friends with him Peng Linlang is not much better.

Mrs. Peng is very clever, she can tell bad things when she sees the son's face, and she hates Zhao's mother and daughter in her heart.

She didn't expect that Yin Mingzhu would be so favored in Yin's family, even the eldest son would look coldly at his future mother-in-law because of her.

After she ordered Madam Zhao and Zhao Suying to be sent away, she immediately had Lin Lang called over.

"Mother, I heard that the eldest son came over just now. What did he say?" Peng Linlang leaned forward with a blushing face, wanting to find out what the future husband had said to his mother. The banquet today was a failure. The eldest son Even though he came, he was always surrounded by those young masters, the two of them didn't even say a word, and as a prospective fiancee, she could only look at him from afar.

Mrs. Peng gave her a sideways look, and said angrily: "You still have the mood to ask this, the prince did come just now, and his face is not very good."

Peng Linlang said: "Yin Mingzhu is his cousin after all, so when something like this happens, she will naturally be angry. This is also human nature."

Mrs. Peng shook her head: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. Judging by his appearance, it is not as simple as just venting anger for his cousin. Lin Lang, don't think your mother is nagging. When you marry in the future, you should pay more attention to this Yin Mingzhu. I always feel that Yin Shizi treats her more than just a cousin."

Peng Linlang thought of Yin Mingzhu's appearance in his mind, she was really a beauty, and there was nothing ugly in the Yin family, no matter male or female.

"I see, I will pay more attention."

Seeing her daughter obediently responding, Mrs. Peng felt quite comforted, and said: "From now on, I will have less contact with that Zhao Suying. This woman will cause big trouble sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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