Chapter 1690

Chapter 1708

On the way back to the Marquis of Wenchang, Yin Shizi looked at Yin Mingzhu who was trembling in the carriage, and grabbed him with distress. The cousin urinated and grew up in the mansion. The two were childhood sweethearts. The cousin was sweet and cute, and he always liked it. , It's a pity that, as the eldest son of the Marquis of Wenchang, he can't control his own marriage, and it's useless no matter how much he likes him, he can only hide this feeling in his heart.

"Mingzhu, why did Ms. Zhao push you into the water?"

Yin Mingzhu raised her eyes to look at her eldest cousin, and was stunned: "She pushed me? Who said she pushed me?"

Yin Shizi pointed to the maid beside her: "Ah Ru said, isn't it?"

Yin Mingzhu shook her head: "She didn't push me, but she pulled me. When I struggled to break free, I fell, but it has nothing to do with her."

Yin Shizi snorted, and asked again: "The princess is stepping on two boats, and the book is only shallow and shallow. Miss Zhao really said that?"

The former sentence was indeed true, but the latter sentence was not. The latter sentence was said by Yin Mingzhu herself, but was forcibly pushed onto Ms. Zhao's head by the maid.

Yin Mingzhu bit her lips and said: "That's what she said, she wanted to seduce cousin Shuwei, but who knew that cousin Shuwei didn't even look at her, and only focused on talking to the princess. Cousin Shuwei and the princess insulted me after they walked away, I couldn't get angry, so I argued with her, and this happened later."

Yin Shizi believed what she said, and there was no reason not to believe it. Mingzhu never lied. In his eyes, Mingzhu was an innocent and kind girl.

Yin Mingzhu saw that her eldest cousin didn't doubt what she said, she felt relieved, and quickly changed the topic, "Cousin, cousin Shuwei and the princess are old acquaintances, do you know?"

Yin Shizi nodded: "I know, I knew it a long time ago, but my father and uncle are not allowed to mention this, so I didn't tell you."

Yin Mingzhu only felt the pain in her heart and panicked, and asked again: "Is their relationship good?"

Yin Shizi sighed, and said: "Of course it's good. Shuwei has always had the princess in his heart. I heard that he once gave up his life for the princess, but he is from our Wenchang Marquis after all. My father and I Naturally, my uncle wouldn't let him mess around, so he locked him up, don't you know about this, and you often gave him food then."

Tears welled up in Yin Mingzhu's eyes, and her heart felt as if someone had grabbed her, aching and uncomfortable.

It turned out that Shuwei's cousin was imprisoned in the yard at that time and was not allowed to go out because he fell in love with the princess, and the princess at that time was encountering an unprecedented disaster.

She was so stupid, she didn't know anything, and thought that her uncle and her cousin closed the book just to let him study at ease, so that he could be the number one student in the exam just like his father.

Seeing that Yin Mingzhu's mood seemed wrong, Yin Shizi asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yin Mingzhu hurriedly shook her head: "It's okay, I'm okay, cousin, cousin Ruo Shuwei really likes the princess, and then the princess came back, and the palace was restored to its former glory, why did cousin Shuwei never go to the palace to find her?" ?”

Shizi Yin sighed again, as a man, he could still understand Shuwei.

"When the princess was in trouble, Shuwei disappeared, and when the princess finally returned to her original seat after going through all kinds of hardships, he had no face to see her, no matter how deep his feelings were, he couldn't express them. Because he's disqualified."

Just like him, in the face of life-long decisions, he did not actively fight for them, but resigned to the fate of the elders of the Ren family to arrange everything. He was destined to miss the girl in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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