Chapter 1691

Chapter 1709

Side by side with the palace
After reading the text and returning to the mansion, he went back to his dormitory, took a hot bath, changed back into his clothes, and then went to Baoyueju for lunch.

Unfortunately, the sky is also there.

Qi Rongyue looked puzzled: "Didn't you go to the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet in Peng's Mansion? Why did you come back just now?"

Rong Yue was talking, her eyes naturally fell on Aunt Bing.

Aunt Bing's complexion was not very good, but she couldn't say much in front of the princess, she just lowered her head and said nothing.

Wen'er sat down next to her mother, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, the food in Peng's house is too bad, I still like to eat what mother cooks."

Rong Yue glanced at her: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

Yun Tian looked at Wen'er with a beautiful smile on his face, and asked with a smile: "Wen'er, are you hiding from me?"

Wen'er shook her head hurriedly, but her eyes didn't dare to fall on Yuntian's body, "No, no, why should I hide from you, I just have a lot of things recently and I'm a little busy."

Yun Tian's deep gaze fell on her face, and he said unhurriedly: "My body is recovering well, and I still have the strength to go out for a walk. Next time you go out, you must take me with you."

Wen'er nodded quickly: "Okay, as long as you don't feel bored, go together!"

She picked up a chopstick dish, stopped suddenly, and looked up at Yuntian: "You said you have almost recovered? Have you recovered your skills?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that the injuries in his internal organs have healed, and his power hasn't returned yet." He felt a little guilty. In fact, his power has almost recovered, but he didn't want to tell them that if they knew that he had fully recovered , then he has no reason to stay in the palace.

Now people can't see her often in the palace, if they leave the palace, it will be even more difficult to see her.

Wen'er let out a groan of disappointment, and continued to eat food in suspense.

Rong Yue said: "I see that the weather in Yun is getting better and better, and he is full of energy. I think he will recover his skills in a short time, so don't worry too much."

Yun Tian didn't answer, he knew that there were some things that couldn't be hidden from Qi Rongyue's eyes, she didn't tell the truth, she just wanted to save him some face.

As soon as the three of them finished their meal, Zheng Zhongwen hurried back to the palace, and went straight to Baoyueju. Seeing that they were all there, he hurriedly said: "It's good that you are all here, so that I don't have to run around."

Seeing his scorched face, Rong Yue hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Zheng Zhongwen took the tea from Aunt Bing, drank half of it in one go, and then said: "There is bad news, Mo Xiaode was rescued."

Mo Xiaode?
Qi Rongyue immediately frowned, "You mean that Mo Xiaode from the Spirit Blood Race?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "It's him, I just found out that someone broke into the dungeon in Kyoto Prefecture last night, killed all the guards in the prison, and rescued Mo Xiaode overnight."

"The capital is an important place in the government that is heavily guarded by soldiers. He can rescue Mo Xiaode so easily, it seems that he is also a member of the Spirit Blood tribe, and his skills are very good." Qi Rongyue also frowned.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "That's right, the methods are extremely ruthless, and even one jailer's blood was completely sucked dry." Thinking of the corpse he saw just now, he felt as uncomfortable as having a stomachache. Even drinking human blood, I thought they only drank animal blood.

Qi Rongyue said: "For those spirit-blood clansmen who are cruel, there is no difference between humans and beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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