Chapter 1692

Chapter 1710

Yun Tiandao: "In other words, it has become dangerous to stand shoulder to shoulder with the palace."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "That's right, we killed Mo Xiaode's son, and now Mo Xiaode has been rescued, and he has suffered a lot in prison. He will definitely avenge this revenge. It is us who stand shoulder to shoulder with the palace."

Nian Wen hurriedly said: "Not only us, but also Wan Kun, no, I have to go to Wan Kun and tell him to be careful."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly stopped her: "No need, I have already sent someone to inform him, he will come when he finishes his work, you don't have to go."

He pushed the reading text back into the chair, and said: "From now on, everyone should stay together as much as possible, and don't be alone. Although the strength of the Spirit Blood tribe is strong, it is not invincible. Mo Xiaode's son is crazy. Use your own life to drag us to be buried with us, but not every Spiritblood will do so."

Rong Yue nodded: "That's right, people of the Spirit Blood Tribe are always selfish, unless they are related by blood, otherwise, no one will sacrifice themselves for others."

But there are exceptions to everything. They still attach great importance to this matter in their hearts, and they can't help but become nervous. In the previous battle, even Yun Tian was seriously injured and has not fully recovered yet, and all of their skills are combined. , nor can it match [-]% of Yuntian's power.

It is conceivable how terrifying it is for the spirit blood clansmen to fight for their lives.

"Okay, I still have business to deal with. I came back to let you know. Remember what I said. From now on, don't go out alone again. Be careful."

He turned to look at Nianwen: "Especially you, remember what Dad said, don't be willful, and things like last time will never be allowed to happen again."

Read the text and nodded: "Okay, okay, I understand, I will stay in the mansion obediently, not going anywhere, okay?"

After Zheng Zhongwen left, Rongyue left Zhengzhou and Wen'er in Baoyueju, not allowing them to go back to their respective yards.

Seeing that Yuntian was still sitting in the courtyard, he couldn't help but ask, "Yuntian, go back to your room and rest, you will be fine with me here."

Yun Tian smiled lightly: "But I have no skill right now, if I leave you, I'm afraid something will happen to me."

After reading the text, he was taken aback, and then remembered that his skills had not yet recovered, and it would really be a bad idea if the spirit blood tribe came to him.

"Then I'll ask the servant girl to take you to the wing to rest."

Yun Tian waved his hand: "No need, I want to sit here, if I am tired, I will trouble them."

"Oh, then I'll go in." She was about to turn around, but Yun Tian said again: "Wen'er, can you talk to me?"

"Ah?" She was stunned for a moment, her eyes flustered, but she still walked towards him: "Okay!" She could no longer face Yuntian as calmly as before. Yuntian had changed and became unfathomable. His eyes are no longer as clear and pure as they used to be. Over the past year, he has grown so much that she can no longer see through him.

This kind of Yuntian is dangerous, she doesn't even dare to get close to him, she doesn't know how to get along with him, she owes him too much, let alone how to repay him.

What he wants, she can't afford.

She sat down opposite him, and took the teacup from Yun Tian.

"Wen'er, why are you avoiding me?" He stared at her with deep eyes, his eyes were as deep as the sea, as if he could see through everything.

Wen'er laughed dryly: "I can't hide from you, really."

(End of this chapter)

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