Chapter 169 Back to Pengcheng

On this day in previous years, she would accept New Year's greetings from court officials and wives with her father, queen, mother, and imperial brother in the palace, and hold a banquet in the palace to celebrate the New Year. After everyone dispersed, their family would get together again, Watching the New Year together is like ordinary people, living an ordinary New Year and having a happy reunion dinner.

She and the emperor's younger brother will also pay New Year's greetings to their father, queen and queen, asking for red envelopes.

But this year, she wants to live by herself. How sad and sad her younger brother, the titled king of a country, must be on this day of national reunion. He is still a child!

The slender palms in the sleeves clenched into fists, there is no longer any delay!
The carriage stopped in front of Rongyu Hall on Changxing Street. After Zheng Zhongwen got out of the car, he subconsciously looked up at the sign on the eyebrow of the shop door: "Rongyu Hall?"

He was stunned, something flashed in his heart, he wanted to grab it, but he couldn't grab it.

Why is it called Rongyu Hall?
Rong is her name, what about Yu?Why Yu?
He turned around and looked at Qi Rongyue who got off from another carriage. She was standing in the wind and snow, the cold wind messed up the broken hair on her forehead, and she was looking at him quietly with her clear and clear eyes. He asked, "Why is it called Rongyu Hall?"

She knew he would ask, and she had already thought about her words.

"It has been reduced to rubble for a few years, but it is covered with mud today.

A well-qualified craftsman who picks chopsticks does not hide his flaws. "

Her words were clear and clear, and there was a sound on the ground. Although the voice was not loud, it was not lost in the howling north wind, and it entered his ears like pearls falling on a plate.

is that so?Is it just that?Is there no other meaning?
He was a little disappointed, but also a little relieved, unable to explain his unclear emotions.

He said softly, "Go in! It's cold outside!"

Sangui knocked on the door of Rongyu Hall, and the waiter responded from inside: "The door is not open today, go to see a doctor elsewhere!"

Sangui said: "Open the door quickly, Miss Qi is back!"

Immediately there was the sound of hurried footsteps from the staff inside, the door opened, and the cold wind and snow poured into the hall. Several staff who had been sitting by the fire to enjoy the fire all rushed to the door, staring blankly at the beautiful and beautiful woman outside the door. Who is the woman who is as calm as a chrysanthemum, but Miss Qi from their family?
The guy was so excited that he couldn't even speak, tears fell down, and he opened his mouth to breathe, but he couldn't utter a word.

Another guy yelled: "Quick, go and tell Miss Xue'er and Mr. Zhou."

The guys turned and ran away happily, and the sad Rongyu Hall began to get angry again.

Zhou An was the first to arrive, his thin body was the same as before, as if he had become thinner, a layer of stubble appeared on his clean face before, he walked from the backyard to the front hall, and at a glance saw Qi Rongyue who had just sat down in front of the stove , rushed forward excitedly: "Miss Qi, you, are you alright?"

Seeing that there was such a bookish man in Rongyu Hall, Zheng Zhongwen felt upset, and choked, "Can't you tell if there's something wrong?"

Zhou An didn't care what he said, he flew up like a cloud with joy in his heart: "It's fine, it's fine!"

She saw tears in Zhou An's eyes, she seemed to be really worried about her, she nodded to him: "I'm fine, everything is fine!"

At this time, there was a scream from the escalator, she turned her head, and saw Xueer rushing out wearing only a thin coat with disheveled hair, her tender face turned pale and haggard!
"Miss - woo woo woo -" Xue'er sat down on the stairs and didn't come down, she just sat on the spot and wailed, sad and happy, all the people around were crying.

(End of this chapter)

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