Chapter 170 Opinions
Seeing Xueer like this, Qi Rongyue felt uncomfortable, her nose was slightly sour, and she thought that this girl must be having a hard time these days.

Sangui walked down the stairs with a smile, and said to Xue'er who kept wiping away tears, crying and laughing: "Fortunately, it is broad daylight, if it is night, you look like a female ghost, you will scare me to death."

Xue'er stopped crying immediately, and said with wide eyes: "Forget it if you scare me to death."

Qi Rongyue said to Xue'er: "Xue'er, go back to the room first and put on your clothes before coming down, with disheveled hair, let the guests laugh."

Only then did Xue'er realize how embarrassed she was, she blushed, and hurriedly got up and ran to the room.

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "Xue'er is a good girl, I feel relieved to have her take care of you!" Then, he looked at Zhou An again, with a displeased expression on his face: "You are in Rongyu Hall, but people There are quite a few, in various styles.”

Qi Rongyue knew what he meant, and said with a smile: "Young Master Zhou is my friend, if you treat me as a friend, please treat him as a friend too!"

Zheng Zhongwen pursed his lips, and said helplessly to Zhou An, "I'm Zheng Zhongwen, I'm sorry!"

Zhou An hurriedly returned the salute: "Ann next week! Thank you Mr. Zheng for escorting you." As he spoke, he made a big salute to Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly avoided, and said bluntly: "I sent her because of my own willingness, and you don't need to thank me!"

The corners of Zhou An's lips curled slightly, he stopped talking to Zheng Zhongwen, turned to Qi Rongyue and said, "I'm going to study, if you have something to do, ask someone to call me!"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Okay!"

Zhou An took a deep look at her, then turned and went to the backyard.

Zhou An's glance made Zheng Zhongwen feel uncomfortable, he said unhappily, "Could it be that he still lives in Rongyu Hall?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That's right, he lives in Rongyu Hall, with his mother."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "Why? Why does he live here? Does he not have a place to live?"

Qi Rongyue looked at him sideways, and said with a half-smile: "I let their mother and son live here, do you have any objections?"

Yes, of course there are opinions, opinions are big!

"I don't have an opinion. After all, this Rongyu Hall is your territory, so what's the use of my opinion?" He squinted at her, and studied her expression.

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "Yes, your opinion is really useless."

Zheng Zhongwen was choked by her and coughed a few times, and said again: "You are not married yet, so it is not good to live under the same roof with a big man like this!"

Xue'er walked down the stairs, heard Zheng Zhongwen's words, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong, it's not that lonely men and widows live in one room, this house is big, there are many people living in it, and men also live in it." It's not just Mr. Zhou, what are you thinking?"

Sangui winked at Xue'er, signaling her to talk less, Xue'er ignored him, remembering that he said just now that she was like a female ghost's enemy: "What's wrong with your eyes? You have seen too much that you shouldn't have seen, you have the eyes of needles." ?”

Sangui pouted his neck and said: "You just have the eye of a needle, I told you not to talk too much, don't say what you shouldn't say!"

"Do you need to teach me what to say and what not to say? You just need to control your own mouth! It's not up to you to take care of my lady's affairs, hmph!"

Xue'er ran to Qi Rongyue's side, took her by the hand and looked her up and down. Seeing that she was unharmed, her mood became even better: "Miss, are you hungry? I'll let the kitchen prepare food." Alive, Miss is back, great!
(End of this chapter)

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