Chapter 171 Inappropriate

"No need, the son is going back today, I want to see him off, we go out to eat, you should go too!" she said softly.

When Xue'er heard this, she immediately jumped up happily, and the haggard look on her face gradually dissipated in her bright smile.

"Miss, let's go to the restaurant where I had dinner with Mr. Yin last time. The sauced beef there is really delicious!"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned again, she and Yixuan went to the restaurant where they ate last time——

"But I don't want to eat sauced beef, let's find another one!"

As soon as Sangui saw the appearance of his family's eldest son, he knew what he was thinking, and immediately answered: "I know a shop, the fish there is very good."

Zheng Zhongwen said without thinking, "Okay, let's go to the store you mentioned."

But when they came to the door of the store Sangui mentioned, Zheng Zhongwen immediately regretted it. How could he listen to Sangui's nonsense?

This is not a place to eat, the shed is ventilated on all sides, it is snowing heavily outside, and it is snowing lightly inside the shed. Fortunately, there is no snow on the ground, otherwise he would have turned around and left immediately.

The smile on Qi Rongyue's face gradually deepened: "It's hot vegetables, it's really good to have a mouthful of hot vegetables in such a cold weather."

Sangui was originally embarrassed by the stares of his family, but now when he heard Miss Qi's words, he immediately approached with a smile: "Yes, what I said is not bad, this is really a good place, I ate there last time Come on, it tastes really good."

Qi Rongyue turned her head to Zheng Zhongwen and said, "Go in!"

Not to mention, this shed looks cool, but once you sit in it, you don't even feel cold.

Sangui took Xue'er to order food.

"Why are you dragging me, I have to ask what my lady likes to eat." Xue'er dissatisfied.

Sangui glanced sideways at the two people sitting opposite each other in the distance, and lowered his voice: "You girl, why are you so blind, can't you see that my family has something to say to your young lady?"

Xue'er snorted, "So what if you see it? As long as my lady doesn't tell me to avoid it, I don't need to avoid it. Besides, if your family has anything to say, can't I still listen?"

Sangui shook his head and sighed, "Dead wood cannot be carved!"

"You're a rotten wood, stop talking to me, don't think that the little girl in your heart thinks I don't know."

Sangui's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "You know? What do you think?"

Xue'er threw him a big white eye: "What do you think?"

"It's about my eldest son and your young lady, what do you think?" Sangui asked anxiously.

Xue'er snorted: "You come here less, don't drag my young lady with your family's heir, they are not suitable."

Sangui frowned: "Why do you think they are inappropriate?"

"Even if I'm a girl, I know what a good family is. What is the status of your family's son, and what is the status of my young lady now? Do you think it is possible for them?"

Sangui thought for a while, and it was really impossible, not to mention Lord Hou and his wife, even the old Lord Hou would not be able to pass the test!
"It seems really impossible!"

Sangui's voice dropped by three points. It seemed that his eldest son was about to be sad again. He had only seen his eldest son sad twice during the years he had been with him. Dear, one time, half a year ago, I learned of the sudden death of the eldest princess. After hearing the news of the sudden death of the eldest princess, the prince wanted to go to the palace to see the eldest princess for the last time, but Hou Ye refused to say anything, so he locked himself in the room He hadn't eaten for several days. If Hou Ye hadn't forced his way in and whispered something to him, he might have starved himself to death.

(End of this chapter)

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