Chapter 1698

Chapter 1717

Seeing that Song Li was speechless, Zheng Zhongwen turned his eyes to Liu Hai again: "I heard that Mr. Liu is a frequent visitor in Hongxiu Building?"

Liu Hai knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply confessed: "I'm guilty, I'm guilty."

Song Li was also speechless. If it was someone else, there might be a way to commit the crime, but the other party is the king side by side, the emperor's most trusted confidant, and even a powerful minister who holds great power. How can he beat him?
But I heard Zheng Zhongwen continue: "The purpose of my king's exposure of your evil deeds today is not to suppress anyone, but to tell you whether the curfew imposed by my king before is necessary to continue."

After hearing about the curfew for the second time, when the DPRK was in power, the spokesperson made an exception to stop it. Wen Cai talked a lot, nothing more than that the curfew was not feasible, it would arouse public resentment, and the Hongxiulou case was just an isolated case, not enough to rise To the extent that the whole city is on alert.

There are still many courtiers who think that the curfew is not feasible, Chu Tianqi simply said: "What all the loves said is very true. Since everyone thinks that the murderer will not commit crimes again, if the same thing happens to all the loves, please Solve it by yourself, don't go to the Palace of Side-by-Shoulders to find the King of Side-by-Shoulders to stand up for you."

The faces of the courtiers changed slightly, they probably guessed what the emperor meant, and they were probably not very happy.

"Retire!" The emperor left with a flick of his sleeves, and then there was a decree to demote Liu Hai and Song Li from their official positions and fine them one year's salary.

After the emperor left, Zheng Zhongwen said to those ministers who opposed the curfew: "Everyone, I advise you to go out less in the near future. If you encounter this murderous maniac, remember what the emperor just said. Don't come to the palace to find me and solve it yourself." After saying that, he strode away.

"Bah - where are there so many murderous monsters? I think this Zhao Quanshui must have offended someone, which led to the murder."

"That's right, obviously three people went there, but Zhao Quanshui was the only one who had an accident. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

"The side-by-side king is relying on the trust of the emperor, and he is less and less concerned about us."


The curfew has not yet been enforced, and the entire palace is on alert alongside the palace, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

This is the case with the Prince's Mansion, but the other mansions do not have such awareness, and are still immersed in their respective romantic dreams.

"It's not good, master, it's not good, master."

"Fart your mother, your master and I are fine."

"Master, the second lady is missing, and the girl in the room was killed."

"What? What did you say?—"


"Master, it's not good, master."

"What happened?"

"Aunt Xue, Aunt Xue has been taken away! The warehouse has also been looted."

"What did you say? When did it happen?"

"Last night, last night!"


"Master, something is wrong, master, something happened to Miss San!"


Overnight, the city of Kyoto was in chaos.

From the kidnapping and robbing of women from good families of ordinary people, to the kidnapping and killing of young ladies and concubines of rich families, and the kidnapping and robbing of the ladies and aunts of princely and noble families, all these things happened overnight.

Today's court hall is covered with dark clouds and people are in panic.

Especially those ministers who fought hard to stop the curfew and patrol the whole city before, they collectively lost their voices in the hall today, unable to utter a word.

If the curfew is still in force, if the city patrol is still in force, at least these people who commit the crime will not be so easy to get, at least they can save a lot of people and money.

They bear an inescapable responsibility for causing such tragedies and losses today.

(End of this chapter)

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