Chapter 1699

Chapter 1718

Chu Tianqi's handsome eyes were full of anger, and he stared coldly at the ministers who lost their voices collectively, "What? Don't you usually speak eloquently and plausibly? Are you dumb today? Have you nothing to say?"

The emperor was furious, and all the officials knelt down on the ground, shouting in fear.

"Fear? Do you also know fear? The king of side-by-side exhausted all his energy and thought about the safety of the people in the city. He patrolled the city day and night. You are good. For the convenience of your own enjoyment, you are impeaching every day. Who caused this situation today? Do you know it in your heart?"

The daughters and concubines of many ministers were kidnapped, and even the storehouses were ransacked. At this time, I am so regretful that my intestines are green, but what is there to say?

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Your Majesty, this is not the time to discuss crimes. Before coming to the court, I checked several crime scenes and found some clues. Not all cases were committed by the same group of people. I thought that someone took advantage of the fire to rob. Take the opportunity to create trouble and push the dirty water on the heads of the spirit blood race."

No matter what Zheng Zhongwen said in the hall today, a large number of people seconded it, and there was not even a voice of opposition.

Back at the palace, Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue listened to the report of his subordinates after visiting the victims in the city. When they talked about the situation in Jiang Shenjiang’s home, his subordinates said: “Your Majesty, this Jiang Shenjiang is really strange. The little concubine was taken away and the storeroom was ransacked, but he acted like a normal person, not worried at all, he answered everything fluently, as if he already knew what we were going to ask."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, and slowly put down the teacup in his hand, searching for information about this General Jiang in his mind.

Qi Rongyue said: "I seem to remember that Jiang Shenjiang is from Dongli, and his wife is a cousin of Shangguan's family."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "That's right, the papers of impeachment I saw in the Palace of Imperial Harmony the day before yesterday were all written by the ministers who had good friends with him, so it's not surprising that he didn't hand in the papers to impeach me? "

Qi Rongyue said: "It's really strange. The more he wants to get rid of the relationship, the easier it is to show his feet. In this way, first send someone to watch him. No matter if there is any abnormality, don't startle the snake. Let's see what he is doing. .”

Zheng Zhongwen turned to the guard and said, "Can you hear me clearly?"

The guards stepped back, and Zheng Zhongwen asked Qi Rongyue, "Do you doubt this General Jiang?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I doubt anyone, everyone is suspicious, but this General Jiang is more suspicious."

Zheng Zhongwen said: "If he really has a problem, then what happened in the Longxi camp earlier has nothing to do with him."

The husband and wife immediately met their gazes, both of them were overjoyed. The military adviser who was arrested last time is still lingering in the cell. After being imprisoned for a year, he should think clearly. If he is interrogated now, let him have some sweetness. , Maybe a big fish can be caught.

With this clue, Zheng Zhongwen couldn't sit still, and immediately set off for the prison.

Zheng Zhongwen interrogated the military adviser of Dongyue Kingdom overnight. That guy had long since lost the pride he had a year ago, and his humble and miserable appearance was no different from other prisoners in the prison.

He stared blankly at Zheng Zhongwen, who was majestic and majestic in front of him, and he couldn't recognize who the person in front of him was. He only felt familiar, as if he had been interrogated before.

"It's been a year, what do you remember?"

For a year, he was imprisoned in that dark prison cell. For a whole year, no one interrogated him, and no one came to see him, and no one came to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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