Chapter 1700

Chapter 1719

He seems to have been forgotten by this world, as if no one remembers his existence anymore.

He could imagine his own fate, either to die of old age in this cell, or to die of illness in this cell, in short, for the rest of his life, there would be no more sunshine, no more freedom.

He opened his mouth slowly, opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound, probably because he hadn't spoken for a long time, he had already forgotten how to speak.

Zheng Zhongwen said to the people around him: "Pour water!"

The guard quickly brought water and handed it to the military division.

He took it, but didn't drink it, just stared blankly at the clear water in the bowl.

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "What? Are you afraid that I will be poisoned?"

The military master didn't make a sound, picked up the water, and drank it down. A strange smile finally appeared on his young and depressed face: "I just haven't drank such clean water for a long time."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't answer, his indifferent eyes kept staring at him, as if he was waiting for him to speak.

The military division was silent for a while, then finally raised his head, looked at Zheng Zhongwen in front of him, his eyes still showed a little humbleness: "I can tell you everything you want to know, I have one condition."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me in your current situation?"

The military division smiled bitterly: "I know that I am not qualified, and you have also seen that I am now a useless person, a terminally ill patient."

Zheng Zhongwen is naturally clear about his physical condition, and he knows how long he can live.

"Tell me."

A gleam of stars suddenly lit up in the silent eyes of the military master, and he took a deep breath: "I hope that after I tell you everything you want to know, you can give me two choices, either let me be happy Die, or let me go out, find a quiet place, and die cleanly and peacefully."

After all, he only wants one death, but these two kinds of deaths are the ways he most yearns for now.

His martial arts were abolished and he was imprisoned in a prison in a foreign country. He was already an outcast. Perhaps those people in Dongyue Kingdom had forgotten his existence. In their eyes, he might already be a dead person.

Zheng Zhongwen finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

Two hours later, Zheng Zhongwen left the prison and immediately ordered the capture of Jiang Weiming and Liu Hai, who was recuperating in the mansion.

However, when Zheng Zhongwen's people arrived at Jiang's house, there were only panicked female relatives and servants left in the courtyard.

Jiang Weiming had already taken his son and left Jiang's mansion one step ahead of them, without a trace.

After Zheng Zhongwen learned of this, Lei Ting was furious, and immediately searched all the jailers in the prison, and found out the person who had secretly tipped off the news.

Fortunately, Liu Hai hadn't had time to escape, and just happened to block him at the gate of Liu's residence.

Liu Hai is just too lecherous, if he can ignore those aunts and concubines in the mansion, and just escape by himself, it would be a piece of cake, unfortunately, there is never regret medicine in the world.

"Lord Liu, do you know why this king invites you to live?" Zheng Zhongwen looked down at Liu Hai who was forced to kneel in front of him.

Liu Hai gritted his teeth and said: "My lord, you are avenging your own private revenge. Although I am wrong for visiting brothels, I have already been severely punished by the emperor. Why is my lord still unwilling to let me go?"

"You're so stubborn. Then the king asked you, where are you going when you run away in such a hurry?"

Liu Haidao: "I don't want to run away, but the capital is not peaceful recently. I want to go to my relative's house in the countryside to avoid the limelight. Isn't it okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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