Chapter 1701

Chapter 1720

Zheng Zhongwen shrugged: "Of course, it's just that, one hour before you planned to leave Liu's mansion, what did the jailer from the palace tell you, Mr. Liu?"

Liu Hai's complexion changed drastically, it seemed that the matter had been revealed, profuse sweat broke out on his forehead immediately, and his calf cramps followed, but right now he couldn't care about these things, he didn't even dare to cry out for pain.

He rolled his eyes again and again, finally gritted his teeth and said: "I don't know what the lord means, I haven't seen any jailers from the palace."

"Still stubborn? Well, let me ask you, you said you planned to go to a relative's house for a while, which relative's house did you plan to go to? Is it Liu Dashan's family in Cuiwei Mountain of Dongyue Kingdom? Or Liu Dashan's family in the capital city of Dongyue King?" Commander-in-Chief?"

Liu Hai's mouth began to tremble, his old background was turned over, and now he couldn't escape.

"Liu Hai, while I still have a little patience, you'd better tell me honestly, do you know what happened last night or not?"

Liu Haidao: "My lord, I really don't know what you are talking about, I don't understand."

"Don't understand? Okay, Agen, come and communicate with him, so that he must understand." Zheng Zhongwen sneered, turned and exited the torture room.

Agen, who had been standing in the corner, walked over slowly. Agen was very tall. Standing in the corner without making a sound had already brought a great sense of oppression to people. At this time, he walked in front of him step by step. , his tall tree-like figure, and his iron-cast fists, seemed to be able to punch a hole out of a person's head at will.

Agen stretched out his hand and grabbed Liu Hai's collar, lifted him up from the ground, clasped his neck with the other hand, and exerted every bit of force.

Liu Hai felt that he was going to die, but he couldn't die. The suffocating, powerless feeling that he couldn't resist made him extremely desperate and painful.

"Aren't you going to say it?" Agen's cold voice fell into Liu Hai's ears, and Liu Hai kept nodding, but no sound came out of his throat.

A-gen let go of his hand and threw him on the ground like a worn-out dirty rag.


Liu Hai panted for a while, and finally opened his mouth. He has already understood his situation. Whether he says it or not, he will die. He is also very familiar with it, and he has personally used these instruments of torture on others. He doesn't want to try that kind of pain.

"I said, I said everything."

After a stick of incense, Zheng Zhongwen got the answer he wanted, and immediately led his troops to the deserted temple outside the city.

Jiang Weiming and Liu Hai had an agreement earlier that once the Kyoto incident happened, they would meet in this deserted temple and flee back to Dongyue together.

At this time, Jiang Weiming was with dozens of masters from Dongyue Kingdom. Most of the cases in the capital city last night were done by them, but not all of them.

"Master Jiang, according to my subordinates, I am afraid something may have happened to Mr. Liu, so let's go first."

Jiang Weiming shook his head: "I'm not waiting for Liu Hai, I'm waiting for logs." His beloved little daughter was taken away last night, and her whereabouts are still unknown. His daughter was taken away, but it was not until he came to this deserted temple that he discovered that his daughter was not among the people who were arrested. After asking, he found out that there was another group of people who committed crimes in the city last night, and his daughter was most likely He was robbed by the gang.

(End of this chapter)

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