Chapter 1704

Chapter 1723

If you speak too directly, you may offend Zheng Zhongwen, and if you speak too vaguely, it will not be beneficial.

"What are you thinking? Thinking about using beautiful words to cover up your crimes?"

Liu Hai waved his hand: "No, no, no, I say I am the master of everything."

Liu Hai no longer hesitated, he knew that no matter how beautifully he said it, it would not help.

"Dongyue gathered 15 troops, ready to invade Dongli, enter from Dongli, seize the city and expand the land. The prince also knows that the most important thing in war is to appease the soldiers, and the best way to appease the soldiers is to make them feel comfortable physically and mentally. Not afraid of life and death."

"Most of Dongyue's soldiers are young, and they are in their prime of life. When we catch these women, we intend to send them back to Dongyue's military camp for them to have fun and vent their emotions, so as to comfort the soldiers."

Zheng Zhongwen's hands were clenched into fists, and he really wanted to punch the shameless faces of these two people to see what color their brains were.

Zheng Zhongwen turned to look at Jiang Weiming: "Your son and daughter are your heart and soul, your treasure, right? Other people's daughters are not? When you committed these evil deeds, did you ever think that if your daughter would How do you feel about being caught as a military prostitute? What will happen to your daughter?"

Jiang Weiming shook his head: "No, no, my Tong'er won't be caught as a military prostitute, definitely not."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "A military prostitute? If you are arrested as a military prostitute, you may still survive. If your daughter really falls into the hands of the Spirit Blood Race, she will probably be a cold corpse now."

He squatted down slowly, looking at Jiang Weiming's increasingly desperate face in the prison: "I believe you already know the whole story of the case of the Spirit Blood Race, and what their means are."

Jiang Weiming suddenly stretched out his hand from inside, trying to grab Zheng Zhongwen's sleeve, but was kicked back by the guard beside Zheng Zhongwen: "Be careful, if you dare to reach out again, I will chop you up."

Jiang Weiming didn't dare to provoke them anymore, kneeling on the ground and kowtowed several times to Zheng Zhongwen: "I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do, please, save my daughter."

Who would have thought that not long ago, she killed an innocent girl in cold blood with a knife, and now she would kowtow and beg for help for her daughter regardless of dignity.

Zheng Zhongwen stood up, "Tell me what you think you should confess. I don't think I need to teach you. Don't forget, you have a young son who just turned ten years old. As long as there is one wrong thing you confess , your youngest son, will immediately go with your eldest son as a companion, don’t doubt whether I have the ability to know whether what you have confessed is true or not, I have plenty of ways.”

Jiang Weiming knows that he is dead, he will never have a chance to leave here, he is too aware of Zheng Zhongwen's behavior, he is cold and afraid of gods and ghosts, but he is not completely unreasonable, as long as he wants, he can, He will also let go of his youngest son who is still ignorant of the world.

"I get it, I get it, I get it all."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't say any more, turned around and left the sky prison. Jiang Weiming committed the crime of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Now that he is a dead person, how can he tolerate him.

As soon as he left the palace gate, the guards of the palace happened to rush outside the palace gate. When they saw his carriage, they hurried forward to report: "My lord, something serious is not right."

Zheng Zhongwen came out of the carriage, frowned and asked, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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