Chapter 1705

Chapter 1724

"My lord, someone threw a corpse at the gate of the palace just now. It was a woman, about twelve or thirteen years old. She died in a terrible condition. She must have been raped and murdered, and the blood on her body was also drained."

Zheng Zhongwen's heart sank suddenly, and he asked in a deep voice, "What else?"

The guard said: "Go back to the prince, there is still a blood book."

"What did the blood book say?"

The guard shook his head: "The blood book is in the hands of the princess. The princess ordered the villain to come and inform the prince. Please go back to the house and lie down."

Zheng Zhongwen jumped off the carriage and said to the guard, "Give me the horse."

He rode back to the mansion alone, and there were servants washing the ground at the gate of the mansion, trying to clean up the dirty blood on the ground.

"Is the princess out?"

The servant shook his head: "The princess is waiting for the prince in the inner courtyard."

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the gradually cleaned ground, frowned and entered the mansion, and went directly to Baoyue Residence.

At this time, the sky was already dark. At this hour in the past, Baoyue Residence was still very quiet, but today, it was so lively.

There was a dead body in the courtyard, and the corpse was covered with a white cloth. Rong Yue and Nianwen were sitting at the stone table in the courtyard. Wen's side, frowning, not saying a word.

Zhong Wen hurriedly came to Rong Yue and sat down, grabbed her hand: "What's going on? The guard said there is a blood book, where is the blood book?"

Rong Yue handed the blood book that she always held in her hand to Zhong Wen, and there was a little panic in her usually calm and indifferent eyes: "Zhong Wen, we can't just sit around and wait for death, we must find them as soon as possible."

Zhongwen unfolded the blood book, the handwriting on it was very messy, but he could still see clearly what the other party wanted to express.

Within three days, the princess must be won, and there will be a picture of the end.

They wanted to take revenge on Nianwen.

Wan Kun said in a deep voice: "I already have some clues. My people are continuing to investigate, and there will be results soon. Wait a little longer, and I will definitely find them."

Seeing that everyone looked so nervous, Nianwen hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't worry, I, Zheng Nianwen, am not a cat or a dog on the side of the road, and I am not just anyone who can catch me if they want. Last time I was held hostage by that person, I The water was also released on purpose, in order to lead him to reveal his original shape, so that he can be convicted. Besides, although the people of the Spirit Blood Clan are powerful, as long as they don't use the suicidal blood-burning technique, we may not be the same. their opponents."

Wan Kun said: "No matter what, from now on, you are not allowed to leave the palace, you must be in our sight at all times, and you must never act willfully."

Qi Rongyue also said: "What Kun'er said is, Wen'er, you must not be as willful as before. Before this crisis is completely over, you must not leave the palace for half a step. You must not. Do you hear me?"

Nianwen looked helpless, what else could she say in the face of her mother's pressure?
"I heard it, I heard it, I will stay in this palace and be a turtle until you catch those monsters, okay?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "It's useless to just talk, you must do it, what happened last time, you must never do it a second time."

"Yes, yes, even your father has spoken, can I not obey?"

The more she behaved like this, the more Zheng Zhongwen was worried. This girl was never a master who could live with peace of mind, but he couldn't stay in the mansion to watch her all the time. To catch these people, sitting in the palace is not enough. , he had to get out, and he took the initiative to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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